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Sorts the JSON array/object using an expression to evaluate.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
JSON 10.2 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "JSON.SortWithEvaluate"; json; Expression )   More


Parameter Description Example
json A JSON text or reference. [2,9,3,1]
Expression The expression to evaluate.
Can include "leftJSON", "rightJSON" as variables.
You can call other MBS JSON functions if needed.
"(leftJSON) > GetAsNumber(rightJSON)"


Returns OK or error.


Sorts the JSON array/object using an expression to evaluate.
The expression is run every time two values are compared, so keep it quick. It should return 1 if leftJSON is smaller than rightJSON.

Our normal JSON.Sort is faster due to not having the overhead of evaluating expressions.


Sort with evaluate:

MBS( "JSON.SortWithEvaluate"; "[2,9,3,1]"; "MBS( \"JSON.GetValue\"; leftJSON) < MBS( \"JSON.GetValue\"; rightJSON)" )

Sort a list of object by name:

MBS( "JSON.SortWithEvaluate"; "[
{\"name\": \"Joe\"},
{\"name\": \"Anna\"},
{\"name\": \"Tim\"},
{\"name\": \"John\"}
]"; "JSONGetElement ( leftJSON; \"name\") < JSONGetElement ( rightJSON; \"name\")" )

List files and sort by name:

MBS( "JSON.SortWithEvaluate";
  MBS( "Files.ListAsJSON";
  "Size" );
"JSONGetElement ( leftJSON; \"Name\") < JSONGetElement ( rightJSON; \"Name\")" )

List files and sort by size descending:

MBS( "JSON.SortWithEvaluate";
  MBS( "Files.ListAsJSON";
  "Size" );
"JSONGetElement ( leftJSON; \"Size\") > JSONGetElement ( rightJSON; \"Size\")" )

List files and sort by modification time stamp:

Let ( [
    path = MBS("Folders.UserDesktop");
    list = MBS( "Files.ListAsJSON"; path; "CreationTimeStamp¶ModificationTimeStamp" );
    sort = MBS( "JSON.SortWithEvaluate"; list; "GetAsTimeStamp(JSONGetElement ( leftJSON; \"ModificationTimeStamp\")) < GetAsTimeStamp(JSONGetElement ( rightJSON; \"ModificationTimeStamp\"))" )

See also

Release notes

  • Version 10.2

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 9th April 2020, last changed 22nd May 2023

JSON.Sort - JSON.Text