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Component: WebView
Control webviewer.
Fill form fields, run javascript or copy content of webviewer.
Only for local webviewer on macOS, Windows and iOS. Does not work in WebDirect.
Supports FileMaker 8.5 to 19.2. Does not work in 19.3, but we work on a fix for later this year.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
1.3 / 15.1 | ✅ 88% | 🔶 64% | ❌ No | 🔶 1%, on macOS and Windows | 🔶 71% |
Item | Details |
WebPolicyDelegate.AddMimeType Adds a mime type to the action list for the policy decisions. | Mac only 2.7 |
WebPolicyDelegate.Install Assigns this WebViewer our policy delegate as a filter to the FileMaker built in delegate. | Mac only 2.7 |
WebPolicyDelegate.RemoveMimeType Removes a mime type to the action list for the policy decisions. | Mac only 2.7 |
WebView.AddScriptMessageHandler Adds a script message handler. | Mac/iOS 8.0 |
WebView.AddUserScript Adds a user script. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
WebView.AllCookies Returns all website cookies as JSON. | Mac/Win/iOS 8.4 |
WebView.AllowsAnyHTTPSCertificateForHost Allows a certain host to allow use of any HTTP certificates. | Mac only 6.2 |
WebView.CallFunction Calls a JavaScript function. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.0 |
WebView.CanResetPageZoom Whether web page can be reset. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.CanZoomPageIn Whether web page can be zoomed in. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.CanZoomPageOut Whether web page can be zoomed out. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.ClearBrowserSession Ends browser session. | Win only 8.5 |
WebView.ClearPrintParameters New in 15.1 Clears the print parameters. | Mac/Win/iOS 15.1 |
WebView.ClearSelection Clears selection. | Mac/Win 7.4 |
WebView.ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping Clears a host name mapping for local folder. | Win only 14.3 |
WebView.ClickInput Clicks the specified Input Element. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.Close Closes a custom web view. | Mac/Win/iOS 7.4 |
WebView.Cookies.ClearForURL Deletes all cookies for a given website. | Mac only 5.0 |
WebView.Cookies.Count Deprecated Queries number of cookies. | Mac only 5.0 |
WebView.Cookies.Query Deprecated Queries a property of a cookie. | Mac only 5.0 |
WebView.Copy Copies current text selection to clipboard. | Mac/Win/iOS 7.4 |
WebView.CopyFormattedText Copies formatted text from web view to clipboard. | Mac/Win/iOS 3.1 |
WebView.Create Creates a new web view inside the window with the given rectangle. | Mac/Win/iOS 7.4 |
WebView.CreateWithControl Creates a new web view inside the window with the given placeholder control. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.3 |
WebView.Cut Cuts current text selection. | Mac/Win/iOS 7.4 |
WebView.DisableJavascriptAlerts Disables alert() command in Javascript. | Mac only 2.5 |
WebView.EstimatedProgress Returns the estimated progress of the web viewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.Evaluate Evaluates a JavaScript expression. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.0 |
WebView.ExecCommand Executes a command on Windows IE. | Win only 7.3 |
WebView.FindByName Returns a unique ID that references a the web viewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.3 |
WebView.FindWindowByIndex Returns the Window Reference for a window specified by the Index parameter. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.3 |
WebView.FindWindowByTitle Returns the Window Reference for a window specified by the Index parameter. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.3 |
WebView.FormReset Resets the Specified Form. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.FormSubmit Submits the specified Form | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.GetAllowsLinkPreview Whether to allow link previews. | Mac/iOS 9.3 |
WebView.GetAutoResizingMask Queries auto resizing mask. | Mac/iOS 7.5 |
WebView.GetCustomUserAgent Queries the current custom user agent string. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.9 |
WebView.GetDrawsBackground Whether to the WebView draws background. | Mac/iOS 11.5 |
WebView.GetEditable Queries the editable state. | Mac/Win/iOS 3.0 |
WebView.GetForm Returns the name of the form with the given index. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.6 |
WebView.GetFormButtonValue Gets the value of the specified Button. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.GetFormCount Returns the number of forms on the website which is currently visible in the web viewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.6 |
WebView.GetFormInputChecked Returns the value of the specified check box or radiobutton. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.GetFormInputValue Returns the value of the specified Input Form. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.GetFormSelectOptions Queries the possible values of a select element. | Mac/Win/iOS 3.1 |
WebView.GetFormSelectValue Gets the value of a select element, such as a list or a combo box or a menu. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.GetFormTextAreaValue Returns the value of the specified text area. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.GetFormValue Returns the value from the Specified Field. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.3 |
WebView.GetFormattedText Queries the current text of the document. | Mac/iOS 5.0 |
WebView.GetHTMLText Queries the current HTML of the document. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.8 |
WebView.GetHidden Queries a web viewer’s hidden state. | Mac only 7.1 |
WebView.GetIcon Queries the favorite icon of current webpage. | Mac only 5.0 |
WebView.GetImage Returns a property of the image with the given index. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.2 |
WebView.GetImageCount Returns the number of images on the current webpage. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.2 |
WebView.GetInternetExplorerHiDPI Query whether HiDPI handling is enabled. | Win only 10.2 |
WebView.GetInternetExplorerVersion Queries the Internet Explorer version to use for Webviewer. | Win only 6.4 |
WebView.GetLink Returns a property of the link with the given index. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.8 |
WebView.GetLinkCount Returns the number of links on the current webpage. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.8 |
WebView.GetMediaVolume Queries the maximum volume of all sounds generated on this WebViewer. | Mac only 4.1 |
WebView.GetPageSizeMultiplier Queries the page size multiplier. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.GetPlainText Queries the current text of the document. | Mac/Win/iOS 3.1 |
WebView.GetPreferences Queries WebView preferences parameters. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.2 |
WebView.GetPrintParameter Queries print parameters. | Mac/Win 2.1 |
WebView.GetPrivateBrowsing Deprecated Queries whether private browsing is enabled. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
WebView.GetSilent Queries silent mode for WebViewer. | Win only 6.5 |
WebView.GetSource Queries the html source from the web viewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.5 |
WebView.GetSourceData Queries the source data from the web viewer. | Mac/iOS 2.1 |
WebView.GetTitle Returns the current title of the web page that is being displayed by the specified WebViewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.GetURL Queries the current document URL in the WebViewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.2 |
WebView.GetUsePrivateBrowsing Queries private browsing flag. | Mac only 11.3 |
WebView.GetZoom Queries the zoom factor. | Win only 13.1 |
WebView.GoBack Moves backward a page in the history. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.4 |
WebView.GoForward Moves forward a page in the history. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.4 |
WebView.HasOnlySecureContent Queries whether website is secure. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.3 |
WebView.HasParent Checks whether WebView has parent control. | Mac/Win/iOS 12.1 |
WebView.InstallCallback Installs JavaScript callback into web viewer. | Mac/Win 1.3 |
WebView.InstallMultiFileOpenDialog Installs support to the WebViewer for multiple file selections. | Mac only 5.1 |
WebView.InstallUserMediaAccess Enables user media access. | Mac/iOS 10.2 |
WebView.IsLoading This function returns True if the Specified web viewer is still loading. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.List New in 15.1 Queries the list of WebViews. | Mac/Win/iOS 15.1 |
WebView.LoadHTML Loads HTML string to WebViewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 3.0 |
WebView.LoadJavascriptURL Loads the given JavaScript URL into the WebViewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.1 |
WebView.LoadURL Loads the given URL into the WebViewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.1 |
WebView.MakeTextLarger Increases the text size. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.MakeTextSmaller Decreases the text size. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.MakeTextStandardSize Sets text to standard size. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.Passwords.Clear Clears the list of passwords. | Mac only 6.3 |
WebView.Passwords.Install Installs the plugin functions which watch for password requests on a WebViewer. | Mac only 6.3 |
WebView.Passwords.Set Stores a password for later. | Mac only 6.3 |
WebView.Paste Pastes text from clipboard. | Mac/Win/iOS 7.4 |
WebView.PostURL Navigates to a resource identified by a URL or to a file identified by a full path. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.1 |
WebView.PressKey Sends a keypress to web viewer. | Win only 6.2 |
WebView.Print Prints the current web view content. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.8 |
WebView.PrintPreview Shows the print preview dialog from Internet Explorer. | Win/iOS 2.6 |
WebView.PrintToFile Prints the current web view content to PDF file. | Mac/Win 4.0 |
WebView.Reload Reloads the WebViewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.RemoveAllUserScripts Removes all associated user scripts. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
WebView.RemoveScriptMessageHandler Removes a script message handler. | Mac/iOS 8.0 |
WebView.RenderImage Renders the WebViewer to a picture. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.1 |
WebView.RenderPDF Renders the web view to a PDF. | Mac only 3.0 |
WebView.ResetPageZoom Resets the web page zoom. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.RunJavaScript Executes the Javascript on the specified webViewer control. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.3 |
WebView.RunJavaScriptReturnTitle Run the specified JavaScript and then returns the value of the title property to FileMaker. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.Screenshot Takes a screenshot of the area used by the WebViewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 3.0 |
WebView.Scrollbar.getHorizontalMaximum Queries maximum value for horizontal scrollbar. | Mac/iOS 5.0 |
WebView.Scrollbar.getHorizontalPosition Queries current value for horizontal scrollbar. | Mac/iOS 5.0 |
WebView.Scrollbar.getVerticalMaximum Queries maximum value for vertical scrollbar. | Mac/iOS 5.0 |
WebView.Scrollbar.getVerticalPosition Queries current value for vertical scrollbar. | Mac/iOS 5.0 |
WebView.Scrollbar.set Scrolls to the given coordinates. | Mac/iOS 5.0 |
WebView.SearchText Searches text in a WebViewer. | Mac/Win 2.3 |
WebView.SelectAll Selects all text in web viewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 7.4 |
WebView.SelectedText Queries text of current selection. | Mac/Win/iOS 5.0 |
WebView.SendCommand Executes a command on Windows IE. | Win only 7.3 |
WebView.SetAllowsLinkPreview Set whether to allow link previews. | Mac/iOS 9.3 |
WebView.SetAutoResizingMask Sets the auto resizing mask. | Mac/iOS 7.5 |
WebView.SetCustomUserAgent Sets the custom user agent text. | Mac/Win 2.9 |
WebView.SetDrawsBackground Whether to the WebView draws background. | Mac/iOS 11.5 |
WebView.SetEditable Sets whether the web viewer allows the user to edit its HTML document. | Mac/Win/iOS 3.0 |
WebView.SetFocus Sets focus to web viewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.4 |
WebView.SetFormButtonValue Sets the value of a Button on the specified form | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.SetFormInputChecked Sets the value of the specified Check Box or Radiobutton. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.SetFormInputValue Sets the value of the specified input element | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.SetFormSelectValue Sets the value of a select element, such as a list or a combo box or a menu. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.SetFormTextAreaValue Sets the value of a Text Area Element. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.SetFormValue Set the value of the specified Field in a WebViewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.3 |
WebView.SetFrameWithControl Repositions web view to given placeholder control. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.3 |
WebView.SetHidden Sets a web viewer to be invisible. | Mac only 7.1 |
WebView.SetInternetExplorerHiDPI Sets whether HiDPI handling is enabled. | Win only 10.2 |
WebView.SetInternetExplorerVersion Sets the Internet Explorer version to use for web viewer. | Win only 6.4 |
WebView.SetMediaVolume Sets the maximum volume of all sounds generated on this web view. | Mac only 4.1 |
WebView.SetPageSizeMultiplier Sets the page size multiplier. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.SetPreferences Sets WebView preferences parameters. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.2 |
WebView.SetPrintParameter Sets print parameters for Webview.Print method. | Mac/Win/iOS 2.1 |
WebView.SetPrivateBrowsing Deprecated Enables private browsing. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
WebView.SetSilent Sets silent mode for WebViewer. | Win only 6.5 |
WebView.SetTitle Sets the title of the web page that is currently being displayed in the web Viewer. | Mac/Win/iOS 1.4 |
WebView.SetUsePrivateBrowsing Sets private browsing desire. | Mac only 11.3 |
WebView.SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping Add a virtual host mapping. | Win only 14.3 |
WebView.ShowDebugBar Deprecated Shows the DebugBar for the web viewer on Windows. | Win only 10.3 |
WebView.ShowDevTools Shows developer tools. | Win only 11.5 |
WebView.StopLoading Stops loading all resources on the current page. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.3 |
WebView.UserScripts Queries list of user scripts. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
WebView.Version Queries WebKit version for web viewer. | Mac/iOS 10.3 |
WebView.ZoomPageIn Zooms web page in. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.ZoomPageOut Zooms web page out. | Mac/iOS 4.1 |
WebView.setZoom Sets the optical scale of the webpage. | Win only 4.2 |
146 functions shown.
These functions require a license (82%).
Release notes
- Version 14.3
- Added WebView.ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping and WebView.SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping functions.
- Version 14.2
- Added IsSwipeNavigationEnabled and HiddenPdfToolbarItems as options to WebView.SetPreferences and WebView.GetPreferences for Windows.
- Version 14.1
- Added support for orientation in WebView.SetPrintParameter function for iOS.
- Version 14.0
- Fixed WebView.InstallUserMediaAccess to not return error when called a second time.
- Version 13.3
- Fixed WebView.GetSourceData to return empty result if no data is available.
- Version 13.2
- Added WebView.SetPrintParameter and WebView.GetPrintParameter for Windows with this parameters: paperWidth, paperHeight, bottomMargin, topMargin, leftMargin, rightMargin, orientation and shouldPrintBackgrounds.
- Fixed a bug for WebView.Passwords.Install not installing the event.
- Fixed WebView.FindByName function to find web viewer better on other windows for macOS.
- Improved WebView.Scrollbar.getHorizontalMaximum, WebView.Scrollbar.getHorizontalPosition, WebView.Scrollbar.getVerticalMaximum, WebView.Scrollbar.getVerticalPosition and WebView.Scrollbar.set to work on macOS when the web viewer is an interactive container showing a PDF document.
- Version 13.1
- Added shouldPrintBackgrounds parameter for WebView.SetPrintParameter for use in WebKit 1 and 2.
- Added shouldPrintBackgrounds to WebView.SetPreferences and WebView.GetPreferences for WebKit 2 to control printing of backgrounds.
- Deprecated WebView.Cookies.Count and WebView.Cookies.Query in favor of WebView.AllCookies function.
- Fixed ScreenshotRect, Container.Screenshot and WebView.Screenshot for Windows to better use right DPI for high DPI screens.
- Implemented WebView.AllCookies and WebView.PrintToFile for Windows.
- Version 12.5
- Fixed a problem with restoring custom WebViewers with WebView.Create.
- Implemented WebView.ClearSelection for WebKit 2 on macOS.
- Version 12.3
- Deprecated WebView.ShowDebugBar function.
Blog Entries
- MBS @ FMTraining.TV - Web Scraping with the MBS Plugin - FileMaker MBS Q&A
- MBS @ FMTraining.TV - WebViewer
- MBS Plugin 13.1 for Claris FileMaker
- Run JavaScript synchronously in a WebViewer
- New in version 11.5 of MBS FileMaker Plugin
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 11.5
- WebView2 support coming for MBS Plugin
- Transitioning scripts for WebView2
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, June 2021 News
- Claris Platform Vision 2021
FileMaker Magazin
- Ausgabe 3/2024, Seite 30 bis 34
- Ausgabe 2/2024, Seite 16 bis 17
- Ausgabe 5/2013, Seite 23 bis 24
- Ausgabe 1/2008, Seite 32
Example Databases