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Component: SendMail
Create emails and send them.
You can send or receive emails with our CURL functions. For sending the SendMail functions help to build an email and send it, while EmailParser functions help to parse an email you received.
If you need to get email in sent folder, please check CURL IMAP Upload example database.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
3.3 / 11.4 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes |
Item | Details |
Email.Verify Verifies if an email is valid. | All 3.3 |
SendMail.AddAttachmentContainer Adds an attachment to the email based on a container field. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.AddAttachmentFile Adds an attachment to the email based on a file path. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.AddAttachmentText Adds an attachment to the email based on a text. | All 6.5 |
SendMail.AddBCC Adds a blind copy recipient. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.AddCC Adds a copy recipient. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.AddHeader Adds an header to the email. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.AddRecipient Adds a recipient. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.AddReplyTo Adds a recipient to reply to. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.AddTo Adds a recipient. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.AttachmentCount Queries number of attachments. | All 6.5 |
SendMail.ClearAttachments Clears all attachments from this email. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.ClearHeaders Clears the headers for email. | All 6.1 |
SendMail.ClearRecipients Clears all recipients. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.CreateEmail Creates a new email. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.GetHTMLText Queries the html text of this email. | All 7.1 |
SendMail.GetInReplyTo Queries the reply to address of this email. | All 7.1 |
SendMail.GetMessageID Queries the message ID of this email. | All 7.1 |
SendMail.GetPlainText Queries the plain text of this email. | All 7.1 |
SendMail.GetRichText Queries the rich text of this email. | All 7.1 |
SendMail.GetSMTPPassword Queries the smtp password of this email. | All 7.1 |
SendMail.GetSMTPServer Queries the smtp server of this email. | All 7.1 |
SendMail.GetSMTPUserName Queries the smtp username of this email. | All 7.1 |
SendMail.GetSource Queries the source code for the email. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.GetSubject Queries the subject of this email. | All 7.1 |
SendMail.PrepareCURL Setups existing CURL session for an email transfer. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.Release Releases all memory used by this email. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.ReleaseAll Frees all SendMail objects. | All 10.5 |
SendMail.SetFrom Sets the email from address. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.SetHTMLText Sets the HTML text of the new email. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.SetInReplyTo Sets the in reply to message ID. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.SetMessageID Sets the message ID. | All 4.4 |
SendMail.SetPlainText Sets the plain text of the new email. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.SetRichText Sets the enriched text of the new email. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.SetSMTPPassword Sets the password for SMTP server authentication. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.SetSMTPServer Sets which SMTP server to use. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.SetSMTPUserName Sets the username for SMTP server authentication. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.SetSubject Sets the subject line. | All 4.3 |
SendMail.Sign Signs the email. | All 11.4 |
39 functions shown.
These functions require a license (92%).
Release notes
- Version 15.0
- Changed functions returning CURL errors to mark this as error, so IsError function returns true. This affects CURL.Perform, CURL.FormClear, CURL.FormFinish, CURL.Upkeep, CURL.SendText, CURL.SendData, CURL.PerformAsync, CURL.WebSocketSend, CURL.WebSocketReceive, CURL.SetSocketNonBlocking, CURL.SetSocketNonBlocking, SendMail.PrepareCURL and various CURL.SetOption functions.
- Version 14.1
- Fixed a problem with SendMail.AddAttachmentContainer function where the file name included the remote: prefix for external containers.
- Improved SendMail functions to allow the creation of attachment only emails.
- Version 11.4
- Added SendMail.Sign function to send S/MIME signed emails.
- Changed SendMail functions to cache email source and not render it again each time you query it. And clear it when you change a property of the email.
- Version 11.2
- Added optional ContentTypeMethod parameter for SendMail.AddAttachmentContainer, SendMail.AddAttachmentFile and SendMail.AddAttachmentText functions.
- Version 10.5
- Added CFunction.ReleaseAll, CGImageSource.ReleaseAll, CLibrary.ReleaseAll, DynaPDF.ReleaseAll, ECKey.ReleaseAll, FSEvents.ReleaseAll, MarkDown.ReleaseAll, MenuItem.ReleaseAll, SendMail.ReleaseAll, Shell.ReleaseAll, SmartCard.ReleaseAll, TouchBar.ReleaseAll, UserNotification.ReleaseAll, WMFP.ReleaseAll, WMIQuery.ReleaseAll and WindowsUserNotification.ReleaseAll.
- Version 8.5
- Changed SendMail functions to no longer turn TO to CC if you have several TOs.
- Version 8.2
- Added IsBase64 parameter to SendMail.AddAttachmentText function.
- Added missing Base64 Encoding for SendMail.AddAttachmentText function.
- Improved handling of SendMail.AddAttachmentContainer default file name built from included file path.
- Version 8.1
Blog Entries
- MBS @ FMTraining.TV - 25 Ways to Improve Your Database Using the FileMaker MonkeyBread Plug-in - Day 2
- MBS Plugin 14.1 for Claris FileMaker
- Email and MBS Plugin
- SMTP with OAuth for Office 365 in FileMaker
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 11.4 - More than 6500 Functions In One Plugin
- GMail for emails with MBS Plugin
- Combined Components with MBS FileMaker Plugin
- Use Inline Graphics in Emails
- SMTP Server Settings
- Combine MBS functions to automate processes in FileMaker
FileMaker Magazin
- Ausgabe 6/2024, Seite 38 bis 39
- Ausgabe 2/2022, Seite 19
- Ausgabe 6/2020, Seite 25
- Ausgabe 5/2014, Seite 25 bis 26
Example Databases