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Gets the clockwise rotation of the recognized text, in degrees, around the center of the image.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
WindowsOCR 13.1 ❌ No ✅ Yes ❌ No ✅ Yes, on Windows ❌ No
MBS( "WindowsOCR.TextAngle"; OCR )   More


Parameter Description Example
OCR The reference number of the ocr engine. $ocr


Returns number or error.


Gets the clockwise rotation of the recognized text, in degrees, around the center of the image.
Can be called after you recognised some text.

The clockwise rotation of the recognized text, in degrees, around the center of the image. If the angle of the text can't be detected, the value of this property is null. If the image contains text at different angles, only part of the text will be recognized correctly.

Use the TextAngle property to overlay recognition results correctly on the original image. If the value of the TextAngle property is not null or 0 (zero), then to overlay the recognized text correctly on the original image, you either have to rotate the original image by the detected angle in a counter-clockwise direction, or rotate the recognized text by the detected angle in a clockwise direction.

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Created 22nd January 2023, last changed 22nd January 2023

WindowsOCR.Text - WindowsScript.AddCode