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Adds a user script.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
WebView 9.5 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes
MBS( "WebView.AddUserScript"; WebViewerRef; Source; injectionTime; forMainFrameOnly )   More


Parameter Description Example
WebViewerRef Either the Web Viewer Object Name or the Web Viewer ID as returned by "WebView.FindByName" function.
Source The source code.
injectionTime The time when the script should be injected into the webpage.
AtDocumentStart: Inject the script after the document element is created, but before any other content is loaded.
AtDocumentEnd: Inject the script after the document finishes loading, but before other subresources finish loading.
forMainFrameOnly A Boolean value indicating whether the script should be injected only into the main frame (true) or into all frames (false). 1


Returns OK or error.


Adds a user script.
Only for FileMaker 16 and newer in WebKit 2.x web viewer on Mac and iOS.


Add a test script:

MBS( "Webview.AddUserScript"; "web"; "alert('Hello');"; "AtDocumentEnd"; 1 )

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 8th November 2019, last changed 5th January 2020

WebView.AddScriptMessageHandler - WebView.AllCookies