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Opens the movie from container.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
QTMovie 4.0 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes, on macOS ❌ No


This function was removed for MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.0. Please move to newer functions or keep using older plugins.

MBS( "QTMovie.OpenContainer"; Container )   More


Parameter Description Example
Container The container with the movie file. MyTable::MovieContainer


Returns Movie Reference or error.


Opens the movie from container.
This loads the movie in RAM.
Returns the movie reference which must be released with QTMovie.Release function.
See also QTMovie.OpenFile or QTMovie.OpenURL.
Works with normal container, compressed container and referenced container file.
For interactive containers it may be better to use MovieView.Movie as FileMaker already loaded the video and we can reference it instead of loading it again.


Open Movie

$Movie = MBS( "QTMovie.OpenContainer"; MyTable::MovieContainer )

Close it later

MBS( "QTMovie.Release"; $Movie )

Load and play:

# Open Container
Set Variable [$$Movie; Value:MBS("QTMovie.OpenContainer"; QTMovie::MovieContainer)]
# Play it
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("QTMovie.Play"; $$Movie)]
# later you should release movie to free memory

See also

Blog Entries

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 20th January 2016

QTMovie.GotoPreviousSelectionPoint - QTMovie.OpenFile