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Queries the native file path to the plugin.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Plugin 3.3 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "Plugin.Path" )




Returns path or error.


Queries the native file path to the plugin.
On FileMaker Cloud this returns a path like "/opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Database Server/Extensions/MBS.fmx".
On MacOS this points usually to the application folder, e.g. "/Applications/FileMaker Pro 16 Advanced/Extensions/MBS.fmplugin"


Write DynaPDF library to same folder as plugin:

Goto Layout [ “MBS Update” (MBS Update) ; Animation: None ]
Go to Record/Query/Page [ First ]
Set Variable [ $folder ; Value: MBS( "Plugin.Path" ) ]
Set Variable [ $folder ; Value: MBS( "Path.RemoveLastPathComponent"; $folder ) ]
Set Variable [ $path ; Value: MBS( "Path.AddPathComponent"; $folder; "dynapdf.dylib" ) ]
Set Variable [ $Plat ; Value: MBS("Files.MoveToTrash"; $path) ]
Set Variable [ $Plat ; Value: MBS("Files.WriteFile"; MBS Update::dynaPdfMac; $path) ]

Script to report back status of MBS Plugin:

# Script to trigger somewhere to report back details about MBS Plugin
Set Variable [ $version ; Value: GetAsText(MBS("Version")) ]
Set Variable [ $platform ; Value: MBS( "Platform" ) ]
Set Variable [ $buildNumber ; Value: MBS( "Plugin.BuildNumber" ) ]
Set Variable [ $path ; Value: MBS( "Plugin.Path" ) ]
Set Variable [ $IsRegistered ; Value: MBS( "IsRegistered" ) ]
Set Variable [ $Name ; Value: MBS( "Plugin.LicenseeName" ) ]
Set Variable [ $Debug ; Value: MBS( "Plugin.isDebug" ) ]
If [ $version = "?" ]
    Set Variable [ $text ; Value: "MBS Plugin not installed. " & Get ( ApplicationVersion ) ]
    Set Variable [ $l1 ; Value: "MBS Plugin " & $version & ", build " & $buildNumber & " installed in " & Get ( ApplicationVersion ) ]
    Set Variable [ $l2 ; Value: "¶Platform: " & $Platform & "¶Path: " & $path ]
    Set Variable [ $l3 ; Value: If($IsRegistered; "¶Licensed for: " & $Name ; "¶No license set.") ]
    Set Variable [ $l4 ; Value: "¶Debug: " & If($debug; "yes"; "no") ]
    Set Variable [ $text ; Value: $l1 & $l2 & $l3 ]
End If
Exit Script [ Text Result: $text ]

Query plugin folder:

MBS( "Path.RemoveLastPathComponent"; MBS( "Plugin.Path" ) )

See also

Blog Entries

This function is free to use.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 4th April 2020

Plugin.PNGVersion - Plugin.PrepareForUpdate