Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
Returns what platform the plugin is running on.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
Plugin | 3.0 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes |
(old name: Plattform)
Returns platform name.
Returns what platform the plugin is running on.Value can be FileMaker Pro Advanced, FileMaker Pro, Runtime, Server, Web Direct, Mobile, XDBC, ServerScripting or InstantWebPublishing.
Older versions may return "Developer" or "Pro" for FIleMaker Pro.
For FileMaker 17 or newer, MBS Plugin detects the status of whether Advanced Tools are enabled. Returns Developer if enabled and Pro if not enabled.
Query the current platform:
$r = MBS( "Platform" )
Script to report back status of MBS Plugin:
# Script to trigger somewhere to report back details about MBS Plugin
Set Variable [ $version ; Value: GetAsText(MBS("Version")) ]
Set Variable [ $platform ; Value: MBS( "Platform" ) ]
Set Variable [ $buildNumber ; Value: MBS( "Plugin.BuildNumber" ) ]
Set Variable [ $path ; Value: MBS( "Plugin.Path" ) ]
Set Variable [ $IsRegistered ; Value: MBS( "IsRegistered" ) ]
Set Variable [ $Name ; Value: MBS( "Plugin.LicenseeName" ) ]
Set Variable [ $Debug ; Value: MBS( "Plugin.isDebug" ) ]
If [ $version = "?" ]
Set Variable [ $text ; Value: "MBS Plugin not installed. " & Get ( ApplicationVersion ) ]
Set Variable [ $l1 ; Value: "MBS Plugin " & $version & ", build " & $buildNumber & " installed in " & Get ( ApplicationVersion ) ]
Set Variable [ $l2 ; Value: "¶Platform: " & $Platform & "¶Path: " & $path ]
Set Variable [ $l3 ; Value: If($IsRegistered; "¶Licensed for: " & $Name ; "¶No license set.") ]
Set Variable [ $l4 ; Value: "¶Debug: " & If($debug; "yes"; "no") ]
Set Variable [ $text ; Value: $l1 & $l2 & $l3 ]
End If
Exit Script [ Text Result: $text ]
Check for WebDirect:
$r = (MBS("Platform") = "Web")
See also
- DynaPDF.Initialize
- IsRegistered
- Plugin.BuildNumber
- Plugin.isDebug
- Plugin.LicenseeName
- Plugin.Path
- Register
- Version
Blog Entries
- Install a FileMaker 2023 Server in Linux in Parallels Desktop
- Install MBS Plugin on a FileMaker Server
- Identify plugin version and platform
- My FileMaker 17 Release Notes
- Properly register MBS FileMaker Plugin
- FileMaker Server 13 with Web Direct
FileMaker Magazin
This function is free to use.
Created 18th August 2014, last changed 31st January 2019