Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
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Sets the size and position of the overlay based on a given control.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
Overlay | 14.1 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
MBS( "Overlay.SetFrameWithControl"; OverlayRef; WindowRef; ControlName { ; DX; DY; DWidth; DHeight } ) More
Parameter | Description | Example | Flags |
OverlayRef | The overlay window reference number. | $overlay | |
WindowRef | Window Reference is the unique OS level window ID. You can obtain this by using the Window.FindByTitle or Window.FindByIndex functions. Pass zero to access the frontmost window. |
0 | |
ControlName | The name of the control on your FileMaker form. e.g. you can place a rectangle there to define the position. |
"mymedia" | |
DX | A delta to move overlay more to left or right. | 0 | Optional |
DY | A delta to move overlay more to top or bottom. | 0 | Optional |
DWidth | extra width to add. | 0 | Optional |
DHeight | Extra height to add | 0 | Optional |
Returns OK or error.
Sets the size and position of the overlay based on a given control.Convenient method to place an overlay next to a FileMaker control, e.g. with a help text.
Set frame based on control:
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("Overlay.SetFrameWithControl"; $$overlay; 0; "info") ]
See also
- AVPlayer.SetFrameWithControl
- DragDrop.SetFrameWithControl
- ImageView.SetFrameWithControl
- MapView.SetFrameWithControl
- Overlay.SetFrame
- Preview.SetFrameWithControl
- TextView.SetFrameWithControl
- WebView.SetFrameWithControl
- Window.FindByIndex
- Window.FindByTitle
Example Databases
Blog Entries
Created 22nd January 2024, last changed 24th January 2024