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Plans a route.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
MapView 9.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes, on macOS ✅ Yes
MBS( "MapView.PlanRoute"; MapView; SourceAddress; DestinationAddress; Mode { ; TransportType; StartIdentifier; EndIdentifier; StartColor; EndColor } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
MapView The map view reference number. $$MapView
SourceAddress The address where to start. "Köln"
DestinationAddress The address where to end. "München"
Mode Various options.
Add 1 to show route on map.
Add 2 to show alternative routes on the map.
Add 4 to show start of route with a pin.
Add 8 to show end of route with a pin.
Add 16 to zoom map to show whole of the router.
Add 32 to return result as JSON.
Add 64 to include poly lines in JSON.
TransportType The type of transportation to use.
Value can be a combination of 1 for car, 2 for walk.
Default is by car.
1 Optional
StartIdentifier Available in MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.3 or newer.
The identifier for the pin to use with script trigger.
If empty, the plugin assigns a number automatically.
EndIdentifier Available in MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.3 or newer.
The identifier for the pin to use with script trigger.
If empty, the plugin assigns a number automatically.
StartColor Available in MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.3 or newer.
The color to use.
Can be a color name or hex notation like in HTML.
"#FF0000" Optional
EndColor Available in MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.3 or newer.
The color to use.
Can be a color name or hex notation like in HTML.
"#FF0000" Optional


Returns result or error.


Plans a route.
The plugin will lookup coordinates for the given addresses and request a route calculation.
Then we may add show routes and optionally return JSON with results.

You can call this method several times to show multiple routes together.


Plan a route and store JSON:

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("MapView.PlanRoute"; $$MapView; "Köln"; "München"; 1+2+4+8+16+32; 1+2+4) ]
Set Field [ MapView::Route ; $r ]

Plan route with coordinates:

MBS("MapView.PlanRoute"; $$MapView;
"50.938056N 6.956944E"; // Cologne, Germany
"48.137222N 11.575556E"; // Munich, Germany
1+4+8+16; 1)

Release notes

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This function is free to use.

Created 17th March 2019, last changed 22nd March 2023

MapView.ParseDistance - MapView.PointForCoordinate