Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
MBS FileMaker Plugin Example Databases
Amazon S3 Upload File
All examples are included with download of MBS FileMaker Plugin.
Overview | |
Tables | 1 |
Relationships | 0 |
Layouts | 1 |
Scripts | 7 |
Value Lists | 0 |
Custom Functions | 0 |
Custom Menus | 33 |
File Options | |
Default custom menu set | [Standard FileMaker Menus] |
When opening file | |
Minimum allowed version | 12.0 |
Login using | Account Name; Account= Admin |
Allow user to save password | Off |
Require iOS passcode | Off |
Switch to layout | Off |
Hide all toolbars | Off |
Script triggers | |
OnFirstWindowOpen | Off |
OnLastWindowClose | Off |
OnWindowOpen | Off |
OnWindowClose | Off |
OnFileAVPlayerChange | Off |
Thumbnail Settings | |
Generate Thumbnails | On; Temporary |
Table Name |
| Occurrences in Relationship Graph |
CURL Test |
11 fields defined, 1 record
| CURL Test |
Layout Objects: CURL Test
Field Name: CURL Test::Image | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| No |
Field Name: CURL Test::FilePath | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| Yes |
Field Name: CURL Test::Access Key ID | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| No |
Field Name: CURL Test::Access Key Secret | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| No |
Field Name: CURL Test::Region | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| No |
Field Name: CURL Test::Bucketname | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| No |
Field Name: CURL Test::URL | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| Yes |
Field Name: CURL Test::Result | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| Yes |
Field Name: CURL Test::debug | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| Yes |
Field Name: CURL Test::Output | |||||
Field Properties | Coordinates | Field Format | Field Behavior | Quick Find | |
| Field Format:
| Field Behavior:
| Yes |
Button Properties | Coordinates | Script/Script Step | ||||
| Open URL [ CURL Test::URL ]
[ No dialog ] Fields: |
Button Properties | Coordinates | Script/Script Step | ||||
| Perform Script [ “Import File” ] Scripts: |
Button Properties | Coordinates | Script/Script Step | ||||
| Perform Script [ “Select File” ] Scripts: |
Button Properties | Coordinates | Script/Script Step | ||||
| Perform Script [ “Upload Container” ] Scripts: |
Button Properties | Coordinates | Script/Script Step | ||||
| Perform Script [ “Upload File” ] Scripts: |
Button Properties | Coordinates | Script/Script Step | ||||
| Perform Script [ “Upload Big File” ] Scripts: |
Upload Container |
Upload File |
Upload Big File |
Select File |
Import File |
Clear |
Trace on |
Next Script: [Upload File] |
Script Name | Upload Container |
Run script with full access privileges | Off |
Include In Menu | Yes |
Layouts that use this script | |
Scripts that use this script |
Script Definition | |
Script Steps |
Fields used in this script | |
Scripts used in this script |
Layouts used in this script |
Tables used in this script | |
Table occurrences used by this script | |
Custom Functions used by this script |
Custom menu set used by this script |
Previous Script: [Upload Container] | Next Script: [Upload Big File] |
Script Name | Upload File |
Run script with full access privileges | Off |
Include In Menu | Yes |
Layouts that use this script | |
Scripts that use this script |
Script Definition | |
Script Steps |
Fields used in this script | |
Scripts used in this script |
Layouts used in this script |
Tables used in this script | |
Table occurrences used by this script | |
Custom Functions used by this script |
Custom menu set used by this script |
Previous Script: [Upload File] | Next Script: [Select File] |
Script Name | Upload Big File |
Run script with full access privileges | Off |
Include In Menu | Yes |
Layouts that use this script | |
Scripts that use this script |
Script Definition | |
Script Steps |
Fields used in this script | |
Scripts used in this script |
Layouts used in this script |
Tables used in this script | |
Table occurrences used by this script | |
Custom Functions used by this script |
Custom menu set used by this script |
Previous Script: [Upload Big File] | Next Script: [Import File] |
Script Name | Select File |
Run script with full access privileges | Off |
Include In Menu | Yes |
Layouts that use this script | |
Scripts that use this script |
Script Definition | |
Script Steps |
Fields used in this script | |
Scripts used in this script |
Layouts used in this script |
Tables used in this script | |
Table occurrences used by this script | |
Custom Functions used by this script |
Custom menu set used by this script |
Previous Script: [Select File] | Next Script: [Clear] |
Script Name | Import File |
Run script with full access privileges | Off |
Include In Menu | Yes |
Layouts that use this script | |
Scripts that use this script |
Script Definition | |
Script Steps |
Fields used in this script | |
Scripts used in this script |
Layouts used in this script |
Tables used in this script | |
Table occurrences used by this script | |
Custom Functions used by this script |
Custom menu set used by this script |
Previous Script: [Import File] | Next Script: [Trace on] |
Script Name | Clear |
Run script with full access privileges | Off |
Include In Menu | Yes |
Layouts that use this script |
Scripts that use this script |
Script Definition | |
Script Steps |
Fields used in this script | |
Scripts used in this script |
Layouts used in this script |
Tables used in this script | |
Table occurrences used by this script | |
Custom Functions used by this script |
Custom menu set used by this script |
Previous Script: [Clear] |
Script Name | Trace on |
Run script with full access privileges | Off |
Include In Menu | Yes |
Layouts that use this script |
Scripts that use this script |
Script Definition | |
Script Steps |
Fields used in this script |
Scripts used in this script |
Layouts used in this script |
Tables used in this script |
Table occurrences used by this script |
Custom Functions used by this script |
Custom menu set used by this script |
Download example: Amazon S3 Upload File
Used functions:- CURL.Cleanup
- CURL.GetDebugMessages
- CURL.GetHeaders
- CURL.GetResponseCode
- CURL.GetResultAsText
- CURL.New
- CURL.OpenInputFile
- CURL.Perform
- CURL.SetDebugWithData
- CURL.SetInputFile
- CURL.SetOptionCustomRequest
- CURL.SetOptionFollowLocation
- CURL.SetOptionMaxRedirs
- CURL.SetOptionPost
- CURL.SetOptionPostFields
- CURL.SetOptionUpload
- CURL.SetUpdateProgressDialog
- Debugger.IsVisible
- FileDialog.GetPath
- FileDialog.OpenFileDialog
- FileDialog.Reset
- FileDialog.SetAllowMulti
- FileDialog.SetMessage
- FileDialog.SetPrompt
- Files.FileExists
- Files.FileSize
- Hash.Digest
- Path.LastPathComponent
- ProgressDialog.GetCancel
- ProgressDialog.Hide
- ProgressDialog.Reset
- ProgressDialog.SetBottomText
- ProgressDialog.SetButtonCaption
- ProgressDialog.SetProgress
- ProgressDialog.SetTitle
- ProgressDialog.SetTopText
- ProgressDialog.Show
- Text.EncodeURLComponent
- Text.FindBetween
- XML.GetPathValue
- XML.SetPathValue