Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
Performs a search.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
LDAP | 6.0 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No |
Parameter | Description | Example | Flags |
LDAPRef | The reference number for the LDAP connection. | $ldap | |
Base | the distinguished name of the entry at which to start the search. | ||
Scope | Value to indicate the search scope. Can be: Base: Search the base entry only. OneLevel: Search all entries in the first level below the base entry, excluding the base entry. Subtree: Search the base entry and all entries in the tree below the base. On Mac can also be Children. |
"Subtree" | |
Filter | A text that specifies the search filter. | ||
Attributes | List indicating which attributes to return for each matching entry. | "cn¶sn" | |
AttributesOnly | Boolean value that should be 0 if both attribute types and values are to be returned, 1 if only types are required. | 0 | Optional |
Timeout | Timeout in seconds. Specifies both the local search time-out value, in seconds, and the operation time limit that is sent to the server within the search request. |
10 | Optional |
Size Limit | Limit on the number of entries to return from the search. A value of zero indicates no limit. |
Optional |
Returns OK or error.
Performs a search.Searches the LDAP directory and returns a requested set of attributes for each matched entry.
On success, you can use LDAP.SearchResult.Count to find out the number of entries found.
Search for name:
MBS( "LDAP.Search"; $ldap; "dc=example,dc=com"; "Subtree"; "(sn=Jensen)")
Find entries with a givenName:
MBS("LDAP.Search"; $ldap; ""; "Subtree"; "(givenName=*)"; ""; 0; 20; 999)
Example script to create new group:
# ========================================
# Purpose:
# Creates a new AD Group
# Returns:
# $error = Error code if unsuccessful
# $error = 0 for success
# $resultText = Text summary of the success or error
# Parameters:
# $serverName
# $serverDomain
# $baseOU
# $groupName (base name only, excluding domain name)
# $groupDomain
# Called from:
# (script) "Set AD Group (worker)"
# Author:
# John Munro (HJM) from Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama
# Notes:
# none
# History:
# 2021-05-26 HJM - created from DySIS-StudentAdmin version
# ========================================
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptParameter ) ) ]
# The branch in LDAP containing all active entries
Set Variable [ $searchBase ; Value: "dc=dsty,dc=ac,dc=jp" ]
Set Error Capture [ On ]
# If debugging these parameters will be empty so fill with test data
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverName ; Value: "sn-sys-dc1" ]
End If
If [ $serverDomain = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
If [ $baseOU = "" ]
Set Variable [ $baseOU ; Value: $searchBase ]
End If
If [ $groupName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $groupName ; Value: "Test-Group" ]
End If
If [ $groupDomain = "" ]
Set Variable [ $groupDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
# Bind to LDAP
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “LDAPServerBind” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) ]
# Returns $result, $ldap
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptResult ) ) ]
If [ $error <> 0 ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; $resultText ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $result ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
# Sanity check: Ensure that group is not already present in AD
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "(sAMAccountName=" & $groupName & ")" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $searchBase ; "subtree" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 20 ; 9999 ) ]
Set Variable [ $entryCount ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.Count"; $ldap) ]
If [ $entryCount > 0 ]
# The group is already present in AD so exit with error
Set Variable [ $resultText ; Value: "The sAMAccountName is already present in AD: \" & $groupName" ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $resultText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; 1 ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
# Sanity check: Ensure the DN is not already present in AD
Set Variable [ $groupDN ; Value: "CN=" & $groupName & "," & $baseOU ]
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $groupDN ; "base" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 4 ; 1 ) ]
Set Variable [ $entryCount ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.Count"; $ldap) ]
If [ $entryCount > 0 ]
# The groupname is already present in AD so exit with error
Set Variable [ $resultText ; Value: "The DN is already present in AD: " & $groupDN ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $resultText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; 1 ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
# ===============================================================================================
# Group is confirmed not present in AD so proceed to create it
# Build the JSON for the Add
# AD attributes
Set Variable [ $objectClass ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"objectClass\", \"values\": [ \"top\", \"group\" ] }" ]
Set Variable [ $sAMAccountName ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"sAMAccountName\", \"value\": \"" & $groupName & "\" }" ]
Set Variable [ $cn ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"cn\", \"value\": \"" & $groupName & "\" }" ]
Set Variable [ $mail ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"mail\", \"value\": \"" & Lower ( $groupName & "@" & $groupDomain ) & "\" }" ]
# Add the JSON components together
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[" & $objectClass & "," & $sAMAccountName & "," & $cn & "," & $mail & "]" ]
# Attempt to add the groupDN record to the $baseOU
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS( "LDAP.AddJSON" ; $ldap ; $groupDN ; $json ) ]
If [ MBS( "IsError" ) ]
Set Variable [ $resultText ; Value: "Failed to add group." & ¶ & $result & ¶ & $json ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $resultText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $result ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
# Return error free result
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; 0 ) & # ( "resultText" ; "Group create success" ) ]
Example script get records:
# ========================================
# Purpose:
# Queries Active Directory from a server-side script
# This guarrantees the MBS plugin availability and that the MBS plugin has LDAP access to the Domain Controller
# Returns:
# $error = Error code if unsuccessful
# $error = 0 for success
# $resultText = Text summary of the success or error
# Parameters:
# $serverName
# $serverDomain
# $personIDs
# Called from:
# (script) "Get AD Records"
# Author:
# John Munro (HJM) from Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama
# Notes:
# none
# History:
# 2020-06-15 HJM - created
# 2021-05-20 HJM - Replaced bind code with call to LDAPServerBind (including added parameter $serverDomain to all calls)
# 2021-05-21 HJM - modified result returned to be in #Assign variable method
# ========================================
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptParameter ) ) ]
# The branch in LDAP containing all active entries
Set Variable [ $searchBase ; Value: "dc=dsty,dc=ac,dc=jp" ]
Set Error Capture [ On ]
# If debugging these parameters will be empty so fill with test data
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverName ; Value: "sys-dc1" ]
End If
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
If [ $personIDs = "" ]
Set Variable [ $personIDs ; Value: "12345" ]
End If
# Jump to a working list populated with the records of the passed IDs
Set Field [ #Selector::SelectedPersonID ; $personIDs ]
Go to Layout [ “@People” (@People) ; Animation: None ]
Go to Related Record [ Show only related records ; From table: “#SelectedPerson” ; Using layout: “@People” (@People) ]
# Bind to LDAP
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “LDAPServerBind” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) ]
# Returns $error,$resultText, $ldap
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptResult ) ) ]
If [ $error <> 0 ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; $resultText ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
# Define search filter
Set Variable [ $usernameList ; Value: Substitute ( @People::Ac | DSTY | Username FoundSet_List ; "¶¶" ; "¶" ) //Remove any CR from the source field ]
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "(|" & "(sAMAccountName=" & Substitute ( $usernameList ; "¶" ; ")(sAMAccountName=" ) & ")" & ")" ]
# Perform the search on LDAP
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $searchBase ; "subtree" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 30 ; 9999 ) ]
# Record the search timestamp for all records (including those not present in AD)
Set Variable [ $LookupTimestamp ; Value: Get ( CurrentTimestamp ) ]
// # Check results
// Show Custom Dialog [ "JSON" ; MBS("LDAP.JSON"; $ldap) ]
Set Variable [ $foundInAD ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.Count"; $ldap) ]
If [ $foundInAD > 0 ]
# extract the results
Set Variable [ $jsonIndex ; Value: 0 ]
Set Variable [ $username ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "sAMAccountName" ) ]
# find the record with DSTYUsername = $username
Perform Find [ Restore ]
If [ Get ( FoundCount ) = 1 ]
# There should only be one record found as DSTYUsername has unique values
# Populate the LDAP cache fields
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | AD Network ; $serverDomain ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | DataTimestamp ; $LookupTimestamp ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | userDN ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.DistinguishedName"; $ldap; $jsonIndex) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | DisplayName ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "displayName" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | EmailAddr ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "mail" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | Groups | Raw ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "memberOf" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | PrivEmail ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "otherMailbox" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | PwdLastSet ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "pwdLastSet" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | userAccountControl ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "userAccountControl" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | Username ; $username ]
# Convert raw time from AD to a local Filemaker timestamp
Set Variable [ $accountExpires ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "accountExpires" ) ]
If [ $accountExpires > 0 ]
Set Variable [ $accountExpires ; Value: Timestamp ( Date ( 1 ; 1 ; 1601 ) ; Time ( 0 ; 0 ; 0 ) + 9 * 3600 ) + Round ( $accountExpires / 10000000 / 60 ; 0 ) * 60 ]
Set Variable [ $accountExpires ; Value: "" ]
End If
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | accountExpires ; $accountExpires ]
# Convert raw time from AD to a local Filemaker timestamp
Set Variable [ $lastLogon ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "lastLogon" ) ]
If [ $lastLogon > 0 ]
Set Variable [ $lastLogon ; Value: Timestamp ( Date ( 1 ; 1 ; 1601 ) ; Time ( 0 ; 0 ; 0 ) + 9 * 3600 ) + Round ( $lastLogon / 10000000 / 60 ; 0 ) * 60 ]
Set Variable [ $lastLogon ; Value: "" ]
End If
# Update the lastLogon field with only if it is a more recent date
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | LastLogon ; Max ( @People::Ac | LDAP | LastLogon ; $lastLogon ) ]
End If
Set Variable [ $jsonIndex ; Value: $jsonIndex + 1 ]
Exit Loop If [ $jsonIndex >= $foundInAD ]
End Loop
End If
# Check for records not updated (i.e. not present in AD)
# Refind the original people set
Set Field [ #Selector::SelectedPersonID ; $personIDs ]
Go to Related Record [ Show only related records ; From table: “#SelectedPerson” ; Using layout: “@People” (@People) ]
# Omit those that have just been updated
Constrain Found Set [ Restore ]
Set Variable [ $missingFromAD ; Value: Get ( FoundCount ) ]
# if there are any remaining, these were not found in the LDAP query, so clear the fields in case the entry was removed from AD
If [ $missingFromAD > 0 ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | DataTimestamp ; $LookupTimestamp ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | AD Network ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | DisplayName ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | userDN ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | EmailAddr ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | Groups | Raw ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | LastLogon ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | PrivEmail ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | PwdLastSet ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | userAccountControl ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | Username ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | accountExpires ; "" ]
End If
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
# Return error free result
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; 0 ) & # ( "resultText" ; "Staff found and updated from AD: " & $foundInAD & ¶ & "New staff needing to be added to AD: " & $missingFromAD ) ]
Example script to create an user:
# ========================================
# Purpose:
# If the user is not present in AD, create a new user in Pre-handover OU and add the groups defined in DySIS
# Returns:
# 0 for success
# Errot text if unsuccessful
# Parameters:
# $serverName
# $userName
# $userDomain
# $userEmail
# $fullName
# $surname
# $givenName
# $userOU
# $groups (base names only, excluding domain names)
# $userPassword
# Called from:
# (script) Create AD User account
# Author:
# John Munro (HJM) from Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama
# Notes:
# none
# History:
# 2020-06-30 HJM - created
# 2020-09-10 HJM - modified to add parameter $userOU
# 2020-12-18 HJM - modified PasswordSet to use external subroutine rather than local code
# 2021-05-20 HJM - Replaced bind code with call to LDAPServerBind (including added parameter $serverDomain to all calls)
# ========================================
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptParameter ) ) ]
# ===============================================================================================
# If debugging these parameters will be empty so fill with test data
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverName ; Value: "sys-dc1" ]
End If
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
If [ $userName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $userName ; Value: "DySIStestUser" ]
End If
If [ $userDomain = "" ]
Set Variable [ $userDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
If [ $userEmail = "" ]
Set Variable [ $userEmail ; Value: "dysistestUser@dsty.test" ]
End If
If [ $userPassword = "" ]
Set Variable [ $userPassword ; Value: "Welcome2" ]
End If
If [ $fullName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $fullName ; Value: "DySIS testUser" ]
End If
If [ $surname = "" ]
Set Variable [ $surname ; Value: "testUser" ]
End If
If [ $givenName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $givenName ; Value: "DySIStest" ]
End If
If [ $userOU = "" ]
Set Variable [ $userOU ; Value: "OU=Pre-handover,OU=DSTY Groups,DC=dsty,DC=ac,DC=jp" ]
End If
# Note $groups as an empty set is a valid condition so this should NOT be filled if empty
# Bind to LDAP
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “LDAPServerBind” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) ]
# Returns $error,$resultText, $ldap
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptResult ) ) ]
If [ $error <> 0 ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; $resultText ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
# Sanity check: Ensure that user is not already present in AD
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "(sAMAccountName=" & $userName & ")" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $searchBase ; "subtree" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 20 ; 9999 ) ]
Set Variable [ $entryCount ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.Count"; $ldap) ]
If [ $entryCount > 0 ]
# The username is already present in AD so exit with error
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "The sAMAccountName is already present in AD: \" & $userName" ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
# Sanity check: Ensure the DN is not already present in AD
Set Variable [ $personDN ; Value: "CN=" & $fullName & "," & $userOU ]
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $personDN ; "base" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 4 ; 1 ) ]
Set Variable [ $entryCount ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.Count"; $ldap) ]
If [ $entryCount > 0 ]
# The username is already present in AD so exit with error
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "The DN is already present in AD: " & $personDN ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
# ===============================================================================================
# User is confirmed not present in AD so proceed to create it
# Build the JSON for the Add
# AD attributes
Set Variable [ $objectClass ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"objectClass\", \"values\": [ \"top\", \"person\", \"organizationalPerson\", \"user\" ] }" ]
Set Variable [ $sAMAccountName ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"sAMAccountName\", \"value\": \"" & $userName & "\" }" ]
Set Variable [ $userPrincipalName ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"userPrincipalName\", \"value\": \"" & $userName & "@" & $userDomain & "\" }" ]
Set Variable [ $userAccountControl ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"userAccountControl\", \"value\": \"" & 544 & "\" }" //NB: 544 is [ NoPasswordRequired, NormalAccount ] ]
Set Variable [ $cn ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"cn\", \"value\": \"" & $fullName & "\" }" ]
Set Variable [ $displayName ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"displayName\", \"value\": \"" & $fullName & "\" }" ]
Set Variable [ $sn ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"sn\", \"value\": \"" & $surname & "\" }" ]
Set Variable [ $givenName ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"givenName\", \"value\": \"" & $givenName & "\" }" ]
Set Variable [ $mail ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Add\", \"name\": \"mail\", \"value\": \"" & $userEmail & "\" }" ]
# Add the JSON components together
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[" & $objectClass & "," & $sAMAccountName & "," & $userPrincipalName & "," & $userAccountControl & "," & $cn & "," & $displayName & "," & $sn & "," & $givenName & "," & $mail & "]" ]
# Attempt to add the personDN record to the default OU
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS( "LDAP.AddJSON" ; $ldap ; $personDN ; $json ) ]
If [ MBS( "IsError" ) ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "Failed to add user." & ¶ & $result & ¶ & $json ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
# ===============================================================================================
# Set the password
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “Set AD Password (worker)” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) & # ( "personDN" ; $personDN ) & # ( "userPassword" ; $userPassword ) ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: Get ( ScriptResult ) ]
If [ $result <> 0 ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "Error setting the password" ; $result ]
# Exit with failure
Exit Script [ Text Result: "Error setting the password:¶" & $result ]
End If
# ===============================================================================================
# Set the userAccountControl to NormalAccount (512)
# Prior to setting the password, the account has a password not required attribute
# Build the JSON for the modify
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[{ \"operation\": \"Replace\", \"name\": \"userAccountControl\", \"value\": \"512\" }]" ]
# Attempt to modify the groupDN record
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS( "LDAP.ModifyJSON" ; $ldap ; $personDN ; $json ) ]
If [ MBS( "IsError" ) ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "Failed to set account to 'Normal account (type 512)'." & ¶ & $result & ¶ & $json ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
# ===============================================================================================
# Add the person to all the groups passed in $groups
Set Variable [ $groupDomain ; Value: $userDomain ]
Set Variable [ $groupIndex ; Value: 1 ]
Set Variable [ $groupCount ; Value: ValueCount ( $groups ) ]
If [ $groupCount > 0 ]
Set Variable [ $groupName ; Value: GetValue ( $groups ; $groupIndex ) ]
If [ $groupName <> "" ]
# This worker script is already running on the server so do not nest it to a sub server script as this does not make sense nor work.
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “Set AD Group (worker)” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) & # ( "operation" ; "Add" ) & # ( "personDN" ; $personDN ) & # ( "groupName" ; $groupName ) & # ( "groupDomain" ; $groupDomain ) ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: Get ( ScriptResult ) ]
If [ $result <> 0 ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "Add group error" ; $result ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: $result ]
End If
End If
Set Variable [ $groupIndex ; Value: $groupIndex + 1 ]
Exit Loop If [ $groupIndex > $groupCount ]
End Loop
End If
# Exit with a success result
Exit Script [ Text Result: 0 ]
Example script to assign an organization unit for an user:
# ========================================
# Purpose:
# Assigns the OU of a single AD user
# Returns:
# 0 for success
# Error text if unsuccessful
# Parameters:
# $serverName
# $serverDomain
# $personDN
# $targetOU (the full DN of the target OU)
# Called from:
# (script) "Set AD OU"
# Author:
# John Munro (HJM) from Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama
# Notes:
# none
# History:
# 2020-07-10 HJM - created
# 2021-05-20 HJM - Replaced bind code with call to LDAPServerBind (including added parameter $serverDomain to all calls)
# ========================================
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptParameter ) ) ]
// # The branch in LDAP containing all active entries
// Set Variable [ $searchBase ; Value: "ou=DSTY Groups,dc=dsty,dc=ac,dc=jp" ]
Set Error Capture [ On ]
# If debugging these parameters will be empty so fill with test data
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverName ; Value: "sys-dc1" ]
End If
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
If [ $personDN = "" ]
Set Variable [ $personDN ; Value: "CN=DySIS testUser,OU=VerwaltungOU,OU=DSTY Groups,DC=dsty,DC=ac,DC=jp" ]
End If
If [ $targetOU = "" ]
Set Variable [ $targetOU ; Value: "OU=Pre-handover,OU=DSTY Groups,DC=dsty,DC=ac,DC=jp" ]
End If
# Bind to LDAP
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “LDAPServerBind” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) ]
# Returns $error,$resultText, $ldap
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptResult ) ) ]
If [ $error <> 0 ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; $resultText ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
# Check the targetOU is valid (exit with error if not)
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $targetOU ; "base" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 4 ; 1 ) ]
If [ MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.DistinguishedName"; $ldap; 0 ) = $targetOU ]
# Check the target is an actual Organisational Unit
Set Variable [ $objectClasses ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; 0 ; "objectClass" ) ]
If [ FilterValues ( $objectClasses ; "organizationalUnit" ) = "" ]
# The target is not an actual Organisational Unit so exit with error
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "Target is not an Organizational Unit." & ¶ & $targetOU & ¶ & $result ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
End If
# Check the personDN is valid and update the dn to contain the targetOU
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $personDN ; "base" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 4 ; 1 ) ]
If [ MBS( "IsError" ) ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "Failed to locate the personDN." & ¶ & $personDN & ¶ & $result ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
Set Variable [ $foundDN ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.DistinguishedName"; $ldap; 0 ) ]
If [ $foundDN <> $personDN ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "The found record DN did not match personDN." & ¶ & "Found: " & $foundDN & ¶ & "PersonDN: " & $personDN & ¶ & $result ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
// # Build the JSON for the modify
// Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[{ \"operation\": \"Replace\", \"type\": \"distinguishedName\", \"value\": \"" & $newPersonDN & "\" }]" ]
# Attempt to move the user record to the new DN
Set Variable [ $cn ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; 0 ; "cn" ) ]
Set Variable [ $rdn ; Value: "CN=" & $cn ]
Set Variable [ $deleteOldRdn ; Value: 1 ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS( "LDAP.Rename" ; $ldap ; $personDN ; $rdn ; $targetOU ; $deleteOldRdn ) ]
If [ MBS( "IsError" ) ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "Failed to modify the personDN." & ¶ & "From: " & $personDN & ¶ & "To: " & $rdn & ¶ & "Under: " & $targetOU & ¶ & $result ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
# Return error free result
Exit Script [ Text Result: 0 ]
Example script to change password for an user:
# ========================================
# Purpose:
# Assigns the Password of a single AD user
# Returns:
# 0 for success
# Error text if unsuccessful
# Parameters:
# $serverName
# $serverDomain
# $personDN
# $userPassword (the password to assign to the personDN)
# Called from:
# (script) "Set AD Password"
# Author:
# John Munro (HJM) from Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama
# Notes:
# none
# History:
# 2020-07-10 HJM - created
# 2021-05-20 HJM - Replaced bind code with call to LDAPServerBind (including added parameter $serverDomain to all calls)
# ========================================
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptParameter ) ) ]
# The branch in LDAP containing all active entries
Set Variable [ $searchBase ; Value: "ou=DSTY Groups,dc=dsty,dc=ac,dc=jp" ]
Set Error Capture [ On ]
# If debugging these parameters will be empty so fill with test data
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverName ; Value: "sys-dc1" ]
End If
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
If [ $personDN = "" ]
Set Variable [ $personDN ; Value: "CN=DySIS testUser,OU=VerwaltungOU,OU=DSTY Groups,DC=dsty,DC=ac,DC=jp" ]
End If
If [ $userPassword = "" ]
Set Variable [ $userPassword ; Value: "Welcome" ]
End If
# Bind to LDAP
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “LDAPServerBind” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) ]
# Returns $error,$resultText, $ldap
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptResult ) ) ]
If [ $error <> 0 ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; $resultText ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
# Check the personDN is valid and update the dn to contain the targetOU
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $personDN ; "base" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 4 ; 1 ) ]
If [ MBS( "IsError" ) ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "Failed to locate the personDN." & ¶ & $personDN & ¶ & $result ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
Set Variable [ $foundDN ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.DistinguishedName"; $ldap; 0 ) ]
If [ $foundDN <> $personDN ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "The found record DN did not match personDN." & ¶ & "Found: " & $foundDN & ¶ & "PersonDN: " & $personDN & ¶ & $result ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
# ===============================================================================================
# Set the password
# Add double quotes to the password passed as a parameter
Set Variable [ $encodedPW ; Value: "\"" & $userPassword & "\"" ]
# Change to 8 bit hex
Set Variable [ $encodedPW ; Value: HexEncode ( $encodedPW ) ]
# Change 8 bit hex to 16 bit hex
Set Variable [ $encodedPW ; Value: Hex8to16LE ( $encodedPW ) ]
# Build the JSON for the modify
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[{ \"operation\": \"Replace\", \"name\": \"unicodePwd\", \"hex\": true, \"value\": \"" & $encodedPW & "\" }]" ]
# Attempt to modify the password via the unicode attribute
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS( "LDAP.ModifyJSON" ; $ldap ; $personDN ; $json ) ]
If [ MBS( "IsError" ) ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "Failed to set the password." & ¶ & $result & ¶ & $json ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
# ===============================================================================================
# Require the password to be changed on the next login
Set Variable [ $pwdLastSet ; Value: "{ \"operation\": \"Replace\", \"name\": \"pwdLastSet\", \"value\": \"0\" }" ]
# Build the JSON for the modify
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[" & $pwdLastSet & "]" ]
# Attempt to modify the password via the unicode attribute
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS( "LDAP.ModifyJSON" ; $ldap ; $personDN ; $json ) ]
If [ MBS( "IsError" ) ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "Failed to set 'User must change password at next logon'." & ¶ & $result & ¶ & $json ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: "LDAP error. " & $errorText ]
End If
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
# Return error free result
Exit Script [ Text Result: 0 ]
Example script to set group for user:
# ========================================
# Purpose:
# Adds or removes membership in a AD Group of a single AD user
# Returns:
# $error = Error code if unsuccessful
# $error = 0 for success
# $resultText = Text summary of the success or error
# Parameters:
# $serverName
# $serverDomain
# $operation (ADD, DELETE)
# $personDN
# $groupName (base name only, excluding domain name)
# $groupDomain
# Called from:
# (script) "Toggle AD Group"
# Author:
# John Munro (HJM) from Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama
# Notes:
# none
# History:
# 2020-06-19 HJM - created
# 2021-05-20 HJM - Replaced bind code with call to LDAPServerBind (including added parameter $serverDomain to all calls)
# 2021-05-21 HJM - modified result returned to be in #Assign variable method
# ========================================
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptParameter ) ) ]
# The branch in LDAP containing all active entries
Set Variable [ $searchBase ; Value: "dc=dsty,dc=ac,dc=jp" ]
Set Error Capture [ On ]
# If debugging these parameters will be empty so fill with test data
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverName ; Value: "sys-dc1" ]
End If
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
If [ $operation = "" ]
Set Variable [ $operation ; Value: "Add" ]
End If
If [ $personDN = "" ]
Set Variable [ $personDN ; Value: "CN=John Munro,OU=SysAdmins,OU=VerwaltungOU,OU=DSTY Groups,DC=dsty,DC=ac,DC=jp" ]
End If
If [ $groupName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $groupName ; Value: "IT-Admin-Staff" ]
End If
If [ $groupDomain = "" ]
Set Variable [ $groupDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
# Bind to LDAP
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “LDAPServerBind” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) ]
# Returns $error,$resultText, $ldap
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptResult ) ) ]
If [ $error <> 0 ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; $resultText ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; $resultText ) ]
End If
# Retreive the groupDN from the $groupName
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "(&(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=" & $groupName & "))" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $searchBase ; "subtree" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 4 ; 99 ) ]
Set Variable [ $entryCount ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.Count"; $ldap) ]
If [ $entryCount > 1 ]
# More than one group with the given name exists, there should only be one.
Set Variable [ $error ; Value: 1 ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "More than 1 group found containing the name:" & ¶ & $groupName ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; $errorText ) ]
Else If [ $entryCount = 0 ]
# No such group found so create it
Set Variable [ $resultText ; Value: "No AD group found containing the name:" & ¶ & $groupName & ¶ & "OK to created it?" ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Warning" ; $resultText ]
If [ Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = 1 or PatternCount ( Get ( ApplicationVersion ) ; "Server" ) //script is running on server so create the group by default ]
# Create the new group
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “Create AD Group (worker)” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) & # ( "baseOU" ; $searchBase ) & # ( "groupName" ; $groupName ) & # ( "groupDomain" ; $groupDomain ) ]
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptResult ) ) ]
If [ $error <> 0 ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; $resultText ]
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
Set Variable [ $warning ; Value: "New AD group: " & $groupName & " created at: " & $groupDN ]
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "(&(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=" & $groupName & "))" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $searchBase ; "subtree" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 4 ; 99 ) ]
# Group creation not approved, so cannot proceed to add user to the group
Set Variable [ $error ; Value: 2 ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "No AD group found containing the name:" & ¶ & $groupName & " and creation not approved by user" ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; $errorText ) ]
End If
End If
Set Variable [ $groupDN ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.DistinguishedName"; $ldap; 0 ) ]
# Check the personDN is valid and add the personDN to the Group if so
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "" ]
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $personDN ; "base" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 4 ; 1 ) ]
If [ MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.DistinguishedName"; $ldap; 0 ) = $personDN ]
# Build the JSON for the modify
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[{ \"operation\": \"" & $operation & "\", \"type\": \"member\", \"value\": \"" & $personDN & "\" }]" ]
# Attempt to modify the groupDN record
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS( "LDAP.ModifyJSON" ; $ldap ; $groupDN ; $json ) ]
If [ MBS( "IsError" ) ]
Set Variable [ $error ; Value: 3 ]
Set Variable [ $errorText ; Value: "Failed to modify the 'member' attribute of the Group record." & ¶ & $result ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP Error" ; $errorText ]
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; $errorText ) ]
End If
End If
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
# Return error free result together with any non-fatal warnings if they exist
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; 0 ) & # ( "resultText" ; "Group set success. " & $warning ) ]
See also
- LDAP.Modify
- LDAP.Rename
- LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeCount
- LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeName
- LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeNames
- LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValueCount
- LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValues
- LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName
- LDAP.SearchResult.DistinguishedName
Release notes
- Version 13.0
- Fixed a bug in LDAP.Search passing attribute names on macOS.
- Version 11.3
- Changed LDAP.Search to hex encode UUID/GUID entries with 16 raw bytes.
- Version 8.5
- Changed how timeout is passed to LDAP.Search function.
- Version 7.4
- Added LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName function.
- Version 7.0
- Fixed issue on Windows with LDAP.Search and using attribute list.
Example Databases
Blog Entries
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 12.6pr1
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 11.3pr4
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 8.5pr7
- LDAP with JSON
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 7.0pr4
- LDAP in FileMaker
This function checks for a license.
Created 15th December 2015, last changed 17th July 2022