Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
Queries JSON structure of LDAP data.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
LDAP JSON | 8.0 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No |
Parameter | Description | Example |
LDAPRef | The reference number for the LDAP connection. | $ldap |
Returns JSON or error.
Queries JSON structure of LDAP data.Please first search, then query here the result as JSON.
Value may be hex encoded if the attribute is considered binary data like an uuid (see LDAP.SetBinaryKeys).
Query JSON:
# Connect
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Connect"; ""; 0; 389) ]
If [ MBS("IsError") ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; "Failed to connect." & ¶ & $r ]
Set Variable [ $ldap ; Value: $r ]
# Login
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Bind"; $ldap; "uid=tesla,dc=example,dc=com"; "password"; "simple") ]
If [ MBS("IsError") ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; "Failed to authenticate." & ¶ & $r ]
# Search
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Search"; $ldap; "dc=example,dc=com"; "subtree"; "(givenName=*)"; ""; 0; 20; 999) ]
# Check results
Show Custom Dialog [ "JSON" ; MBS("LDAP.JSON"; $ldap) ]
End If
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
End If
Example result:
"dn": "uid=test,dc=example,dc=com",
"attributes": [{
"name": "objectClass",
"values": ["posixAccount", "top", "inetOrgPerson"]
}, {
"name": "gidNumber",
"values": ["0"]
}, {
"name": "givenName",
"values": ["Test"]
}, {
"name": "sn",
"values": ["Test"]
}, {
"name": "displayName",
"values": ["Test"]
}, {
"name": "uid",
"values": ["test"]
}, {
"name": "initials",
"values": ["TS"]
}, {
"name": "homeDirectory",
"values": ["home"]
}, {
"name": "cn",
"values": ["Test"]
}, {
"name": "uidNumber",
"values": ["24601"]
}, {
"name": "o",
"values": ["Company"]
Query a person via JSON:
Set Variable [ $ldap ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Connect"; ""; 0; 389 ) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Bind"; $ldap; "cn=admin,dc=ldap,dc=test,dc=de"; "S2A2S@home"; "simple" ) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Search"; $ldap; "ou=Users,dc=ldap,dc=test,dc=de"; "Subtree"; ""; ""; 0; 20; 999) ]
Set Field [ Employee::_LDAP.JSON.Query ; MBS("LDAP.JSON"; $ldap) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Example result:
"dn": "ou=Users,dc=ldap,dc=test,dc=de",
"attributes": [
"name": "objectClass",
"values": [
"name": "ou",
"values": [
"dn": "uid=bob.miller,ou=Users,dc=ldap,dc=test,dc=de",
"attributes": [
"name": "objectClass",
"values": [
"name": "uid",
"values": [
"name": "uidNumber",
"values": ["1"]
"name": "cn",
"values": [
"Bob Miller"
"name": "mail",
"values": [
"name": "homeDirectory",
"values": [
"name": "sn",
"values": [
"name": "employeeType",
"values": [
"name": "givenName",
"values": [
"name": "employeeNumber",
"values": ["77"]
"name": "userPassword",
"values": [
"name": "gidNumber",
"values": ["100"]
Example script get records:
# ========================================
# Purpose:
# Queries Active Directory from a server-side script
# This guarrantees the MBS plugin availability and that the MBS plugin has LDAP access to the Domain Controller
# Returns:
# $error = Error code if unsuccessful
# $error = 0 for success
# $resultText = Text summary of the success or error
# Parameters:
# $serverName
# $serverDomain
# $personIDs
# Called from:
# (script) "Get AD Records"
# Author:
# John Munro (HJM) from Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama
# Notes:
# none
# History:
# 2020-06-15 HJM - created
# 2021-05-20 HJM - Replaced bind code with call to LDAPServerBind (including added parameter $serverDomain to all calls)
# 2021-05-21 HJM - modified result returned to be in #Assign variable method
# ========================================
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptParameter ) ) ]
# The branch in LDAP containing all active entries
Set Variable [ $searchBase ; Value: "dc=dsty,dc=ac,dc=jp" ]
Set Error Capture [ On ]
# If debugging these parameters will be empty so fill with test data
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverName ; Value: "sys-dc1" ]
End If
If [ $serverName = "" ]
Set Variable [ $serverDomain ; Value: "" ]
End If
If [ $personIDs = "" ]
Set Variable [ $personIDs ; Value: "12345" ]
End If
# Jump to a working list populated with the records of the passed IDs
Set Field [ #Selector::SelectedPersonID ; $personIDs ]
Go to Layout [ “@People” (@People) ; Animation: None ]
Go to Related Record [ Show only related records ; From table: “#SelectedPerson” ; Using layout: “@People” (@People) ]
# Bind to LDAP
Perform Script [ Specified: From list ; “LDAPServerBind” ; Parameter: # ( "serverName" ; $serverName ) & # ( "serverDomain" ; $serverDomain ) ]
# Returns $error,$resultText, $ldap
Set Variable [ $! ; Value: #Assign ( Get ( ScriptResult ) ) ]
If [ $error <> 0 ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "LDAP error" ; $resultText ]
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; $error ) & # ( "resultText" ; "LDAP error: " & $resultText ) ]
End If
# Define search filter
Set Variable [ $usernameList ; Value: Substitute ( @People::Ac | DSTY | Username FoundSet_List ; "¶¶" ; "¶" ) //Remove any CR from the source field ]
Set Variable [ $LDAPFilter ; Value: "(|" & "(sAMAccountName=" & Substitute ( $usernameList ; "¶" ; ")(sAMAccountName=" ) & ")" & ")" ]
# Perform the search on LDAP
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS ( "LDAP.Search" ; $ldap ; $searchBase ; "subtree" ; $LDAPFilter ; "" ; 0 ; 30 ; 9999 ) ]
# Record the search timestamp for all records (including those not present in AD)
Set Variable [ $LookupTimestamp ; Value: Get ( CurrentTimestamp ) ]
// # Check results
// Show Custom Dialog [ "JSON" ; MBS("LDAP.JSON"; $ldap) ]
Set Variable [ $foundInAD ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.Count"; $ldap) ]
If [ $foundInAD > 0 ]
# extract the results
Set Variable [ $jsonIndex ; Value: 0 ]
Set Variable [ $username ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "sAMAccountName" ) ]
# find the record with DSTYUsername = $username
Perform Find [ Restore ]
If [ Get ( FoundCount ) = 1 ]
# There should only be one record found as DSTYUsername has unique values
# Populate the LDAP cache fields
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | AD Network ; $serverDomain ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | DataTimestamp ; $LookupTimestamp ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | userDN ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.DistinguishedName"; $ldap; $jsonIndex) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | DisplayName ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "displayName" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | EmailAddr ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "mail" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | Groups | Raw ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "memberOf" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | PrivEmail ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "otherMailbox" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | PwdLastSet ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "pwdLastSet" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | userAccountControl ; MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "userAccountControl" ) ]
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | Username ; $username ]
# Convert raw time from AD to a local Filemaker timestamp
Set Variable [ $accountExpires ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "accountExpires" ) ]
If [ $accountExpires > 0 ]
Set Variable [ $accountExpires ; Value: Timestamp ( Date ( 1 ; 1 ; 1601 ) ; Time ( 0 ; 0 ; 0 ) + 9 * 3600 ) + Round ( $accountExpires / 10000000 / 60 ; 0 ) * 60 ]
Set Variable [ $accountExpires ; Value: "" ]
End If
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | accountExpires ; $accountExpires ]
# Convert raw time from AD to a local Filemaker timestamp
Set Variable [ $lastLogon ; Value: MBS("LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName" ; $ldap ; $jsonIndex ; "lastLogon" ) ]
If [ $lastLogon > 0 ]
Set Variable [ $lastLogon ; Value: Timestamp ( Date ( 1 ; 1 ; 1601 ) ; Time ( 0 ; 0 ; 0 ) + 9 * 3600 ) + Round ( $lastLogon / 10000000 / 60 ; 0 ) * 60 ]
Set Variable [ $lastLogon ; Value: "" ]
End If
# Update the lastLogon field with only if it is a more recent date
Set Field [ @People::Ac | LDAP | LastLogon ; Max ( @People::Ac | LDAP | LastLogon ; $lastLogon ) ]
End If
Set Variable [ $jsonIndex ; Value: $jsonIndex + 1 ]
Exit Loop If [ $jsonIndex >= $foundInAD ]
End Loop
End If
# Check for records not updated (i.e. not present in AD)
# Refind the original people set
Set Field [ #Selector::SelectedPersonID ; $personIDs ]
Go to Related Record [ Show only related records ; From table: “#SelectedPerson” ; Using layout: “@People” (@People) ]
# Omit those that have just been updated
Constrain Found Set [ Restore ]
Set Variable [ $missingFromAD ; Value: Get ( FoundCount ) ]
# if there are any remaining, these were not found in the LDAP query, so clear the fields in case the entry was removed from AD
If [ $missingFromAD > 0 ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | DataTimestamp ; $LookupTimestamp ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | AD Network ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | DisplayName ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | userDN ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | EmailAddr ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | Groups | Raw ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | LastLogon ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | PrivEmail ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | PwdLastSet ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | userAccountControl ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | Username ; "" ]
Replace Field Contents [ With dialog: Off ; @People::Ac | LDAP | accountExpires ; "" ]
End If
# Cleanup
Set Variable [ $releaseResult ; Value: MBS("LDAP.Release"; $ldap) ]
Go to Layout [ original layout ; Animation: None ]
# Return error free result
Exit Script [ Text Result: # ( "error" ; 0 ) & # ( "resultText" ; "Staff found and updated from AD: " & $foundInAD & ¶ & "New staff needing to be added to AD: " & $missingFromAD ) ]
See also
- IsError
- JSON.Query
- LDAP.Bind
- LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValue
- LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValues
- LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName
- LDAP.SearchResult.Count
- LDAP.SearchResult.DistinguishedName
- LDAP.SetBinaryKeys
Release notes
- Version 8.0
- Added JSON functions for LDAP: LDAP.AddJSON, LDAP.JSON and LDAP.ModifyJSON.
Blog Entries
This function checks for a license.
Created 11st December 2017, last changed 2nd November 2022