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Queries value from JSON path.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
JSON 6.1 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "JSON.GetPathItem"; json; Path { ; Flags } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
json A JSON text or reference. "{\"people\":[{\"first\":\"Christian\",\"last\":\"Schmitz\",\"city\":\"Nickenich\"}]}"
Path The path through the json hierarchy as list.
For object, pass name of item to choose. For array pass index.
Flags Pass 1 to return as value, e.g. text or number.
Pass 0 (or nothing) to return as JSON.

Add 2 to return empty in case of error, e.g. value not existing. (new in 7.5)


Returns value or error.


Queries value from JSON path.
The path describes the way through the hierarchy to find the JSON node to return.
Result can be JSON or the value.
If path ends with # in an array, we return number of elements.

Implemented FileMaker syntax in v12.4 for JSON element get/set like in JSONGetElement function, so you can use dot notation, [array index] or quoted text in brackets.


Query people:

MBS( "JSON.GetPathItem"; "{\"people\":[{\"first\":\"Christian\",\"last\":\"Schmitz\",\"city\":\"Nickenich\"}]}"; "people")

Query people -> first entry:

MBS( "JSON.GetPathItem"; "{\"people\":[{\"first\":\"Christian\",\"last\":\"Schmitz\",\"city\":\"Nickenich\"}]}"; "people¶0")

Query people -> first entry -> last name:

MBS( "JSON.GetPathItem"; "{\"people\":[{\"first\":\"Christian\",\"last\":\"Schmitz\",\"city\":\"Nickenich\"}]}"; "people¶0¶last")

Query IP via

Go to Layout [“Table”]
New Record/Request
#Start new session
Set Variable [$curl; Value:MBS("CURL.New")]
#Set URL to load (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, etc.)
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionURL"; $curl; "")]
#RUN now
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.Perform"; $curl)]
#Check result
Set Field [Table::DebugLog; MBS("CURL.GetDebugMessages"; $curl)]
Set Field [Table::Result; MBS("CURL.GetResultAsText"; $curl; "UTF8")]
If [$result = "OK"]
    #Check HTTP error code
    Set Variable [$response; Value:MBS("CURL.GetResponseCode"; $curl)]
    If [$response = 200]
        #Query values from JSON
        Set Variable [$json; Value:MBS( "JSON.Parse"; Table::Result )]
        Set Field [Table::IP; MBS("JSON.GetPathItem"; $json; "ip"; 1)]
        Set Field [Table::Hostname; MBS("JSON.GetPathItem"; $json; "hostname"; 1)]
        Set Field [Table::City; MBS("JSON.GetPathItem"; $json; "city"; 1)]
        Set Field [Table::Region; MBS("JSON.GetPathItem"; $json; "region"; 1)]
        Set Field [Table::Country; MBS("JSON.GetPathItem"; $json; "country"; 1)]
        Set Field [Table::Location; MBS("JSON.GetPathItem"; $json; "loc"; 1)]
        Set Field [Table::Company or Provider; MBS("JSON.GetPathItem"; $json; "org"; 1)]
        Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS( "JSON.Release"; $json )]
    End If
End If
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.Release"; $curl)]
Commit Records/Requests [No dialog]

Query number of entries in array:

MBS( "JSON.GetPathItem"; "{\"IDs\":[1,5,8,2,5]}"; "IDs¶#")

Example result: 5

Try FileMaker syntax with object and array:

MBS( "JSON.GetPathItem"; "{\"people\":[{\"first\":\"Christian\",\"last\":\"Schmitz\",\"city\":\"Nickenich\"}]}"; "people[0]last")

Example result: "Schmitz"

Try FileMaker syntax with objects:

MBS( "JSON.GetPathItem"; "{\"people\":{\"best\":{\"first\":\"Christian\",\"last\":\"Schmitz\",\"city\":\"Nickenich\"}}}"; ""; 3)

Example result: Christian

Try FileMaker syntax with an array:

MBS( "JSON.GetPathItem"; "[1,2,3]"; ".[2]")

Example result: 3

Try FileMaker syntax with objects in brackets:

MBS( "JSON.GetPathItem"; "{\"people\":{\"best.friend\":{\"first\":\"Christian\",\"last\":\"Schmitz\",\"city\":\"Nickenich\"}}}"; "['people']['best.friend']['first']"; 3)

Example result: Christian

See also

Release notes

  • Version 14.3
    • Fixed JSON.GetPathItem to not return error for invalid JSON if flag 2 is used.
  • Version 12.5
  • Version 12.4
  • Version 10.3
    • Fixed JSON.GetPathItem to not complain about out of bounds if option value 2 is used.
  • Version 8.1
    • Fixed JSON.GetPathItem returning numbers with dot incorrectly for non-english localization. Broken in 7.5.
  • Version 7.5

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 3th February 2016, last changed 3th January 2023

JSON.GetObjectSize - JSON.GetStringValue