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Sets the Colorspace to quantize in.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
GraphicsMagick 2.0 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "GMImage.SetQuantizeColorSpace"; ImageRef; colorspaceType )   More


Parameter Description Example
ImageRef The image reference number. 1
colorspaceType UndefinedColorspace = 0, RGBColorspace = 1 (Plain old RGB colorspace), GRAYColorspace = 2 (Plain old full-range grayscale), TransparentColorspace = 3 (RGB but preserve matte channel during quantize), OHTAColorspace = 4, XYZColorspace = 5 (CIE XYZ), YCCColorspace = 6 (Kodak PhotoCD PhotoYCC), YIQColorspace = 7, YPbPrColorspace = 8, YUVColorspace = 9, CMYKColorspace = 10 (Cyan, magenta, yellow, black, alpha), sRGBColorspace = 11 (Kodak PhotoCD sRGB), HSLColorspace = 12 (Hue, saturation, luminosity), HWBColorspace = 13 (Hue, whiteness, blackness), LABColorspace = 14 (LAB colorspace not supported yet other than via lcms), CineonLogRGBColorspace = 15 (RGB data with Cineon Log scaling, 2.048 density range), Rec601LumaColorspace = 16 (Luma (Y) according to ITU-R 601), Rec601YCbCrColorspace = 17 (YCbCr according to ITU-R 601), Rec709LumaColorspace = 18 (Luma (Y) according to ITU-R 709), Rec709YCbCrColorspace = 19 (YCbCr according to ITU-R 709) 1


Returns "OK" on success.


Sets the Colorspace to quantize in.

See also

Example Databases

This function checks for a license.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 18th August 2014

GMImage.SetQuality - GMImage.SetQuantizeColors