Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
Draws an arc.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
GraphicsMagick | 3.0 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes |
MBS( "GMImage.DrawArc"; ImageRef; startX; startY; endX; endY; startDegrees; endDegrees ) More
Parameter | Description | Example |
ImageRef | The image reference number. | 1 |
startX | The X coordinate for start position. | |
startY | The Y coordinate for start position. | |
endX | The X coordinate for end position. | |
endY | The Y coordinate for end position. | |
startDegrees | The start degree value. | |
endDegrees | The end degree value. |
Returns OK or error message.
Draws an arc.Draw an arc using the stroke color and based on the circle starting at coordinates startX,startY, and ending with coordinates endX,endY, and bounded by the rotational arc startDegrees,endDegrees.
If you have an open path, the command is added there for later drawing with GMImage.DrawPath.
Creates a new image with a round rectangle:
Set Variable [ $img; Wert:MBS("GMImage.New"; "300x200"; "RGB 1 1 1") ]
Set Variable [ $r; Wert:MBS("GMImage.SetStrokeColor"; $img; "RGB 1 0 0") ]
Set Variable [ $r; Wert:MBS("GMImage.SetFillColor"; $img; "RGB 0 0 1") ]
Set Variable [ $r; Wert:MBS("GMImage.SetLineWidth"; $img; 5) ]
Set Variable [ $r; Wert:MBS("GMImage.DrawArc"; $img; 50; 50; 250; 150; 0; 90) ]
Set Variable [ $png; Wert:MBS("GMImage.WriteToPNGContainer"; $img; "test.png") ]
Set Variable [ $r; Wert:MBS("GMImage.Release"; $img) ]
Set Field [ Drawing::Image; $png ]
See also
- GMImage.DrawCircle
- GMImage.DrawLine
- GMImage.DrawPath
- GMImage.New
- GMImage.Release
- GMImage.SetFillColor
- GMImage.SetLineWidth
- GMImage.SetStrokeColor
- GMImage.WriteToPNGContainer
Example Databases
Blog Entries
This function checks for a license.
Created 18th August 2014, last changed 21st December 2018