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Queries list of paths in folder.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Files 4.1 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "Files.ListRecursive"; Path { ; filter; Timeout } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
Path Native path to the directory. "C:\Test\"
filter Optional, limits what is returned. Default is 0 to report all files. Pass a combination of 1 for showing only files, 2 for showing only directories and 4 for showing only visible files. Add 16 to include package file content on Mac. Add 32 to treat packages as files.
In v7.3 you can add 64 to not list content of invisible directories.
5 Optional
Timeout the timeout in seconds. Default is 5. 5.0 Optional


Returns list of files separated by return.


Queries list of paths in folder.
This function is recursive and will look in all subfolders. Due to very large file systems you can pass a timeout. Default is 5 seconds. FileMaker will not respond to user input while the query runs.
The list of names is separated by new line character.
This function needs a native path. Please use Path.FileMakerPathToNativePath function in order to convert a FileMaker style path to a native path.
You can decide on Mac on whether files inside a package (e.g. application) are listed or not. By default we ignore those files, but you can include package content with adding 16 to the filter parameter.

See also Files.List.

If input path ends with / on Windows, we use slash for adding path components in v8.4 or newer. Otherwise we use the default on Windows, which is a backslash.

You can filter by file extensions when doing the list and then filter with List.MatchesPostfix function.


Queries files in download folder on Mac:

MBS("Files.ListRecursive"; "/Users/cs/Downloads")

Queries visible files in my user folder, limit for 10 seconds:

MBS("Files.ListRecursive"; "c:\\Users\\Christian"; 5; 10)

List only visible files in visible directories:

MBS( "Files.ListRecursive"; "/Users/shared"; 64+4)

See also

Release notes

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 1st July 2022

Files.ListAsJSON - Files.ListVolumes