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Checks whether a directory exists with the given path.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Files 2.7 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "Files.DirectoryExists"; Path )   More


Parameter Description Example
Path Native path to the item to check. "C:\Windows"


Returns 1 if directory exists and 0 if not.


Checks whether a directory exists with the given path.
If item exists at the path Files.ItemExists returns 1. If it's a directory, Files.DirectoryExists also returns 1 and Files.FileExists returns 0. With a file, Files.FileExists returns 1 and Files.DirectoryExists returns 0.
This function needs a native path. Please use Path.FileMakerPathToNativePath function in order to convert a FileMaker style path to a native path.


Checks whether directory exists:

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS( "Files.DirectoryExists"; "/Users/cs/Desktop")]

See also

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 18th October 2016

Files.DeleteLater - Files.DiskInfo