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Sets or changes the border width, cell spacing, or cell padding.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
DynaPDF 3.5 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "DynaPDF.Table.SetBoxProperty"; Table; Row; Col; Type; Left; Right; Top; Bottom )   More


Parameter Description Example
Table The identifier for the table. $Table
Row The row number. Range from 0 to DynaPDF.Table.GetNumRows-1. Pass -1 for all rows. 0
Col The column number. Range from 0 to DynaPDF.Table.GetNumCols-1. Pass -1 for all columns. 0
Type Can be BorderWidth, CellSpacing or CellPadding. "CellPadding"
Left Value for the left side. 0
Right Value for the right side. 0
Top Value for the top side. 0
Bottom Value for the bottom side. 0


Returns OK or error.


Sets or changes the border width, cell spacing, or cell padding.
The properties can be set to the table, rows, columns, and cells as follows:
RowColApplies to
Cell padding and cell spacing are inherited from the table, columns, and rows, in this order.
The border with is inherited from columns and rows (in this order), but not from the table since the table has its own border.
Individual values can be set to each side of a cell. Note that the properties will be not be rotated with a cell. The left side is always left, independent of the cell orientation.

See also

This function checks for a license.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 18th August 2014

DynaPDF.Table.SetBorderWidth - DynaPDF.Table.SetCellAction