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Retrieves the major and minor version of the PDF document as well as the underlying PDF standard, if any.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
DynaPDF 11.5 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "DynaPDF.GetPDFVersionEx"; PDF )   More


Parameter Description Example
PDF The PDF reference returned from DynaPDF.New. $pdf


Returns JSON or error.


Retrieves the major and minor version of the PDF document as well as the underlying PDF standard, if any.
JSON result includes:
MajorPDF major version, e.g. 1
MinorPDF minor version, e.g. 7
MainVerSet only if the file conforms to a specific PDF standard, e.g. "PDF/X // 1a:2003", "PDF/A 3b", and so on.
SubVere.g. "ZUGFeRD 2.0", "Factur-X", and so on

for PDF/A
PDFAConformance: e.g. A, B, E, F, U, or UA.
PDFAVersion: If greater zero, this is a PDF/A file.

for PDF/E
PDFEVersion: e.g. PDF/E-1

for PDF/VT
PDFVTModDate: Modification date, e.g. 2016-05-07T15:42:23+01:00
PDFVTVersion: e.g. PDF/VT-2

for PDF/X
PDFXConformance: e.g. PDF/X-1a:2001 or PDF/X-1a:2003. PDF/X 3 and above do not set this key anymore.
PDFXVersion: e.g. PDF/X-1:2001, PDF/X-1:2003, and so on.

for ZUGFeRD, Factur-X, XRechnung
FXConfLevel: ConformanceLevel
FXDocName: DocumentFileName
FXDocType: DocumentType
FXVersion: Version
VersionConst: If >= 0 this is the DynaPDF PDFVersion constant as number. If the version is not supported by DynaPDF, this member is set to -1.

See also GetPDFVersionEx function in DynaPDF manual.


Query version of a simple PDF:

MBS( "DynaPDF.GetPDFVersionEx"; $pdf)

Example result:
{ "Major": 1, "Minor": 4, "MainVer": "", "SubVer": "" }

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 19th September 2021, last changed 24th October 2021

DynaPDF.GetPDFVersion - DynaPDF.GetPageAnnotCount