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Converts a regular FreeText annotation to a FreeTextCallout annotation.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
DynaPDF 15.0 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "DynaPDF.ConvToFreeTextCallout"; PDF; StartX; StartY; KneeOffset; EndStyle )   More


Parameter Description Example
PDF The PDF reference returned from DynaPDF.New. $pdf
StartX Start point of the callout line.
StartY Start point of the callout line.
KneeOffset The knee offset.
EndStyle End line style of the callout line.
Can be None, Butt, Circle, ClosedArrow, Diamond, OpenArrow, RClosedArrow, ROpenArrow, Slash or Square.


Returns OK or error.


Converts a regular FreeText annotation to a FreeTextCallout annotation.
The parameter Handle must be a valid handle of a FreeText or FreeTextCallout annotation. A FreeText annotation can be created with the function DynaPDF.FreeTextAnnot.
The callout line is drawn on the side whose distance to the start point is the shortest.
The FreeTextCallout tool in Adobes Acrobat restricts the position on which the text rectangle of the FreeText annotation can be placed. The callout line including the line end style cannot cross this rectangle. If this would be the case then Acrobat adjusts the position of the text rectangle so that ot does not cross or touch the callout line. This makes it difficult to place the annotation to a specific position.
However, no such restriction exists in DynaPDF but keep in mind that Adobes Acrobat or Reader update the appearance if the annotation would be changed, e.g. changing the text.

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 17th December 2024, last changed 17th December 2024

DynaPDF.CloseTag - DynaPDF.ConvertColors