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Returns list with all keys matching prefix.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Dictionary 11.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "Dictionary.KeysWithPrefix"; DictionaryRef; Prefix )   More


Parameter Description Example
DictionaryRef The reference number to the dictionary. $dic
Prefix The prefix text "JS."


Returns list or error.


Returns list with all keys matching prefix.
The order is random and defined by how the dictionary internally stores values.
See also Dictionary.Keys.

The postfix and prefix keys functions allows you to organize things in the dictionaries with e.g. dot notation. You may have entries like "person.123.firstname" and "person.123.lastname" and by using Dictionary.KeysWithPrefix you can look for "person.123." to find all keys starting with this prefix.


Try it:

// create a dicitonary
dic = MBS( "Dictionary.Create");
// fill in some values:
t = MBS( "Dictionary.SetValueForKey"; dic; "person.123.firstname"; "John" );
t = MBS( "Dictionary.SetValueForKey"; dic; "person.123.lastname"; "Miller" );
t = MBS( "Dictionary.SetValueForKey"; dic; "person.456.firstname"; "Tom" );
t = MBS( "Dictionary.SetValueForKey"; dic; "person.456.lastname"; "Smith" );
// and query keys:
r = MBS( "Dictionary.KeysWithPrefix"; dic; "person.123." )
]; r)

Example result:

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 18th July 2021, last changed 19th July 2021

Dictionary.KeysWithPostfix - Dictionary.List