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Returns the result of the transaction as PDF.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
CURL 4.0 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "CURL.GetResultAsPDF"; curl { ; Filename; DontRenderPreview } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
curl The CURL session handle. $curl
Filename The desired file name. test.png Optional
DontRenderPreview Pass 1 to not create a JPEG with preview of first page as part of the container. 0 Optional


The result value which you can assign to a container field.


Returns the result of the transaction as PDF.
Make sure the data is a PDF. The plugin does not verify whether result is a PDF file. But if it is one, it sets size properties and creates a preview JPEG so FileMaker can preview it (Preview is Mac only).
For Windows you can generate preview with DynaPDF.GeneratePreview function.
Version 5.2 and later can use the filename from URL if you don't provide one yourself.

See also CURL.GetResultAsContainer

If you have a DynaPDF Pro license and DynaPDF functions initialized, this function can add previews for the PDF file on Windows and Linux. For MacOS, we make them with PDFKit..


Load PDF from URL and store in container:

# start new transfer
Set Variable [$curl; Value:MBS("CURL.New")]
# set URL
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionURL"; $curl; "")]
# run transfer
Set Variable [$ErrorCode; Value:MBS("CURL.Perform"; $curl)]
# get result as PDF and store in field:
Set Variable [$Result; Value:MBS( "CURL.GetResultAsPDF"; $curl)]
Set Field [test::MyContainerField; $Result]
# get debug messages:
Set Variable [$DebugMessages; Value:MBS( "CURL.GetDebugMessages"; $curl)]
# cleanup
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("CURL.Release"; $curl)]

See also

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 19th April 2020

CURL.GetResultAsMime - CURL.GetResultAsPNG