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Sets primary parameter.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Barcode 7.1 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "Barcode.SetPrimary"; Text; Encoding )   More


Parameter Description Example
Text The text to use. "Hello World"
Encoding The text encoding for text parameter.
Default is UTF-8.
Possible encoding names: ANSI, ISO-8859-1, Latin1, Mac, Native, UTF-8, DOS, Hex, Base64 or Windows. More listed in the FAQ.


Returns OK or error.


Sets primary parameter.
Needed for some barcodes like MaxiCode.

For Maxicode, length must be 15 characters. Last 3 characters must be service number as 3 digits. And next three characters before that are the country ID with 3 digits.


Create Maxicode with Primary text:

Set Field [Barcode Generation::Image; ""]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("Barcode.SetOptions"; 4)]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("Barcode.SetPrimary"; "999999999840012")]
Set Variable [$img; Value:MBS("Barcode.Generate"; "MAXICODE"; "Secondary Message Here")]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("Barcode.SetPrimary"; "")]
If [MBS("IsError") = 0]
    Set Field [Barcode Generation::Image; MBS( "GMImage.WriteToPNGContainer"; $img; "barcode.png")]
    Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS( "GMImage.Release"; $img )]
End If

Create maxicode:

Set Field [ Barcode Generation::Image ; "" ]
Set Variable [ $img ; Value: MBS("Barcode.SetOptions"; 2) ]
Set Variable [ $img ; Value: MBS("Barcode.SetPrimary"; "999999999840012"; "utf8") ]
Set Variable [ $img ; Value: MBS("Barcode.Generate"; "Maxicode"; "Secondary Message Here") ]
If [ MBS("IsError") = 0 ]
    Set Field [ Barcode Generation::Image ; MBS( "GMImage.WriteToPNGContainer"; $img; "barcode.png") ]
    Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "GMImage.Release"; $img ) ]
End If

Create Maxicode with mode 3:

Set Variable [ $p ; Value: "196LS97TF826004" // primary text ]
Set Variable [ $t ; Value: "1Z42015596UPSN123W123456/11NLEEDS" // second text ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("Barcode.SetOptions"; 3) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("Barcode.SetPrimary"; $p) ]
Set Variable [ $img ; Value: MBS("Barcode.Generate"; "maxicode"; $t) ]

Example for Maxicode creation, e.g. for UPS:

Set Variable [ $p ; Value: "LS97TF   826004" // primary text ]
Set Variable [ $t ; Value: "[)>{RS}01{GS}961Z42015596{GS}UPSN{GS}123W45{GS}339{GS}{GS}1/1{GS}1{GS}N{GS}{GS}LEEDS{GS}{RS}{EOT}" ]
Set Variable [ $t ; Value: Substitute($t; "{EOT}"; Char(4)) ]
Set Variable [ $t ; Value: Substitute($t; "{RS}"; Char(30)) ]
Set Variable [ $t ; Value: Substitute($t; "{GS}"; Char(29)) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("Barcode.SetOptions"; 3) ]
// Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "Barcode.SetInputMode"; "data" ) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "Barcode.SetInputMode"; "unicode" ) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("Barcode.SetPrimary"; $p) ]
Set Variable [ $img ; Value: MBS("Barcode.Generate"; "maxicode"; $t) ]
Set Field [ Barcode Generation::Image ; MBS( "GMImage.WriteToPNGContainer"; $img ) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("GMImage.Release"; $img) ]

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function is free to use.

Created 1st March 2017, last changed 21st December 2018

Barcode.SetOptions - Barcode.UPCChecksum