Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
New in version 2.6
Item | Details | Server |
App.GetDockBadgeLabel Returns the tile's current badge label. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
App.SetDockBadgeLabel Sets the string to be displayed in the tile's badging area. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CURL.CloseDebugFile Closes the debug output file. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.CloseHeaderFile Closes the header output file. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.CloseInputFile Closes the input file. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.CloseOutputFile Closes the data output file. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.CreateDebugOutputFile Creates output file for writing debug messages. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.CreateHeaderOutputFile Creates output file for writing header text. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.CreateOutputFile Creates output file for downloading data. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.FormAddKeyContainer Add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.FormAddKeyContainerContentType Add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.FormAddKeyFile Add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.FormAddKeyFileContentType Add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.FormAddKeyText Add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.FormAddKeyTextContentType Add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.OpenInputFile Opens file for reading data needed for upload, email sending or HTTP Post. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.SetOptionFileOnlyMode Disables collecting data for Result functions. | All |
✅ Server |
Clipboard.GetText Queries clipboard content as text. | Mac/Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
Clipboard.SetText Sets the text on the clipboard. | Mac/Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
DragDrop.GetText Queries text from the drop. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
DragDrop.GetURL Queries URL from the drop. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
FileDialogWatcher.GetLastPath Queries the last path used in open/save dialogs. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
FileDialogWatcher.Install Installs the required code to catch file names from open/save dialogs on Mac. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Font.Activate Activates a font inside app or whole computer. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Font.Deactivate Deactivates a font inside app or whole computer. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MouseCursor.Set Sets the mouse cursor. | Mac/Win |
✅ Server |
Notification.Listen Starts listening for a notification. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Notification.Send Sends a notification. | Mac/Win |
✅ Server |
ProgressDialog.GetPositionX Queries the x position of the dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
ProgressDialog.GetPositionY Queries the y position of the dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
ProgressDialog.GetTopMost Queries whether dialog is top most. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
ProgressDialog.SetTopMost Sets whether dialog is top most. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
ProgressDialog.Update Redraws the progress dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
SQL.Cancel Attempts to cancel the pending result set, or current statement execution. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.ClientVersion Gets the DBMS client API version number. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.Close Closes the specified command object. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.CommandText Gets the command text associated with the command object. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.CommandType Gets the command type currently associated with the command object. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.Commit Saves any changes and ends the current transaction. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.Connect Opens the connection to a data source. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.Disconnect Disconnects the connection from the database. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.Execute Executes the current command. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.FetchFirst Fetches the first row from a result set. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.FetchLast Fetches the last row from a result set. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.FetchNext Fetches next row from a result set. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.FetchPrior Fetches previous row from a result set. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.FieldCount Returns the number of fields (columns) in a result set. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.FreeCommand Frees the command and releases all memory associated with it. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.FreeConnection Call this method if you are done with a connection. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetAutoCommit Checks whether autocommit is enabled or disabled for the current connection. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetCommandOption Gets a string value of a specific command option. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetConnectionOption Gets a string value of a specific connection option. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldAsBoolean Returns field's value as boolean value; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldAsDate Returns field's value as date value; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldAsDateTime Returns field's value as timestamp value.- | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldAsFloat Returns field's value as floating point number value; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldAsNumber Returns field's value as integer number value; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldAsText Returns field's value as text value; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldAsTime Returns field's value as time value; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldDataType Returns field data type. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldIsNull Whether the field value is NULL. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldName Returns name of the field. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetFieldOption Gets a string value of a specific field option. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetIsolationLevel Gets the transaction isolation level. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamAsBoolean Returns param's value as boolean value; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamAsDate Returns param's value as date; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamAsDateTime Returns param's value as timestamp value; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamAsFloat Returns param's value as floating point number; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamAsNumber Returns param's value as integer; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamAsText Returns param's value as text; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamAsTime Returns param's value as time value; converts if needed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamDataType Returns parameter data type. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamIsDefault Checks whether parameter is default value. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamIsNull Whether the parameter value is NULL. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.GetParamName Returns the name of the parameter. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.NewCommand Creates a new command. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.NewConnection Initialize a new SAConnection object and returns Connection Reference. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.Open Opens the specified command object. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.ParamCount Returns the number of parameters associated with the command object. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.Prepare Validates and prepares the current command for execution. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.ResetCommand Clears all DBMS related handles and sturctures but doesn't destroy them (mostly for Unix fork/exec based applications) | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.ResetConnection Clears all DBMS related handles and structures but doesn't destroy them. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.Rollback Cancels any changes made during the current transaction and ends the transaction. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.RowsAffected Queries the number of rows affected. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.ServerVersion The long number of the currently connected server version. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.ServerVersionString Gets the currently connected DBMS server version string. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetAutoCommit Enables or disables autocommit for the current connection, that is, automatic commit of every SQL command. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetClient Assigns an DBMS client for the connection. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetCommandOption Sets a string value of a specific command option. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetCommandText Sets the command text. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetConnectionOption Sets a string value of a specific connection or command option. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetFieldOption Sets a string value of a specific field option. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetIsolationLevel Sets the transaction isolation level. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamAsBoolean Sets parameter's value as bool data. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamAsDate Sets parameter's value as Date data. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamAsDateTime Sets parameter's value as DateTime data. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamAsFloat Sets parameter's value as floating point number. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamAsNumber Sets parameter's value as 32-bit integer number. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamAsText Sets parameter's value as character string data. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamAsTime Sets parameter's value as Time data. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamDataType Sets parameter's data type. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamDefault Sets the default value for this parameter. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamNull Sets parameter's value as null. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.SetParamUnknown Sets parameter's type as unknown. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.isAlive Returns the database server connection status for a particular connection object. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.isConnected Returns the connection state for a particular connection object. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.isExecuted Whether command was executed. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.isOpened Tests whether the specified command object is opened. | All |
✅ Server |
SQL.isResultSet Tests whether a result set exists after the command execution. | All |
✅ Server |
Text.DecodeFromURL Decode an URL string. | All |
✅ Server |
Text.EncodeToURL Encode an URL string. | All |
✅ Server |
WebView.PrintPreview Shows the print preview dialog from Internet Explorer. | Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
112 functions shown.