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Quotes text for use in patterns.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
RegEx 7.5 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "RegEx.Quote"; Text )   More


Parameter Description Example
Text The text to quote. "Hello."


Returns text or error.


Quotes text for use in patterns.
Escapes all potentially meaningful regexp characters in text. The returned string, used as a regular expression, will exactly match the original string. For example, "1.5-2.0?" may become: "1\.5\-2\.0\?".

Note QuoteMeta behaves the same as perl's QuoteMeta function, *except* that it escapes the NUL character (\0) as backslash + 0, rather than backslash + NUL.


Escape a test string:

Show Custom Dialog [ "RegEx escaped" ; MBS( "RegEx.Quote"; "Hello? *test* 123" ) ]

Example result: "Hello\?\ \*test\*\ 123"

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 17th October 2017, last changed 25th November 2017

RegEx.Pattern - RegEx.Release