Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
Returns recognized text.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
OCR | 2.9 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes |
Returns the text.
Returns recognized text.Calls Recognize if needed internally.
We intent to remove tesseract 3.x library from the plugin in summer 2022, so please move to loading the newer version using OCR.Load function.
Query text:
$text = MBS( "OCR.GetText" )
Custom function to read image and return text:
MBS-OCR ( language; Image)
Requires tessdata resources [MIT ©]
language: deu ('deu.traineddata), fra, eng, etc.
Image: Container Fieldname ('MyTable::MyField') in Quotes
path: FM/Extensions - put 'tessdata' Folder into FM Extensions Folder
Benjamin Fehr, EfficientBizz GmbH
Let (
// init OCR
$path = MBS ("Path.FileMakerPathToNativePath"; Get(FileMakerPath)& "Extensions/") ;
initialize = MBS( "OCR.Initialize"; $path; language) ; $Error = initialize ;
SegMode = MBS( "OCR.SetPageSegMode"; "Auto");
// Process Image
$img = MBS("GMImage.NewFromContainer"; Image);
set = MBS("OCR.SetImage"; $img) ;
$result = MBS("OCR.GetText") ;
// Cleanup
$clean = MBS( "OCR.Cleanup") ;
$destroy = MBS( "GMImage.Release"; $img)
; "" )
See also
- GMImage.New
- GMImage.NewFromContainer
- GMImage.Release
- OCR.Cleanup
- OCR.GetBoxText
- OCR.GetTextWithCoordinates
- OCR.Initialize
- OCR.SetImage
- OCR.SetPageSegMode
- WindowsOCR.Result
Release notes
- Version 13.3
- Added OCR.GetTextAsJSON function.
Example Databases
This function is free to use.
Created 18th August 2014, last changed 13th March 2022