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Writes a demo text like the DynaPDF demo watermark.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
DynaPDF 5.0 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "DynaPDF.WriteDemoText"; PDF; Text { ; Font } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
PDF The PDF reference returned from DynaPDF.New. $pdf
Text The text to use. "Hello World"
Font The font to use.
If the font used does not support all characters, the text may not show.
Default is Helevtica.
"Arial Unicode MS" Optional


Returns OK or error.


Writes a demo text like the DynaPDF demo watermark.
This allows you to watermark PDFs with a text like "Confidential".
If you use DynaPDF.SetAlpha, you can change the transparency. With DynaPDF.SetStrokeColor you can change the color.

Please use bottom-up coordinates as with the text is mirrored with top-down coordinates, see DynaPDF.SetPageCoords.


Add chinese text:

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("DynaPDF.WriteDemoText"; $pdf; "机密文件"; "Arial Unicode MS" ) ]

See also

Release notes

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 12nd November 2014, last changed 13th August 2023

DynaPDF.WebLink - DynaPDF.WriteFText