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Adds an action to a cell.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
DynaPDF 9.1 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "DynaPDF.Table.SetCellAction"; Table; Row; Col; ActionHandle; Mode )   More


Parameter Description Example
Table The identifier for the table. $Table
Row The row number. Range from 0 to DynaPDF.Table.GetNumRows-1. Pass -1 for all rows. 0
Col The column number. Range from 0 to DynaPDF.Table.GetNumCols-1. Pass -1 for all columns. 0
ActionHandle The action handle $action
Mode The new highlight mode. Can be None, Invert, Outline, Push or PushUpd. "Invert"


Returns OK or error.


Adds an action to a cell.
Creates an invisible link annotation for the specified cell or table and associates the provided action with that annotation. The result is an interactive area that executes the action if the user clicks on cell or table.
A cell action is always a background object that is created in the size of the background area when the table is drawn.

Unlike other cell objects like images, text, and so on, a cell link is no persistent object because the action will be deleted when then PDF file in memory will be closed or when DynaPDF.Release will be called.
If the table should be drawn into more than one PDF file then re-create the actions and cell action before drawing the table into the next PDF file.
Actions can be created with functions like DynaPDF.CreateGoToAction, DynaPDF.CreateGoToRAction, and so on.


Adds a go-to action for a cell in the table:

Set Variable [ $NamedDest ; Value: MBS( "DynaPDF.CreateNamedDest"; $pdf; "test"; 2; "Fit") ]
Set Variable [ $Action ; Value: MBS( "DynaPDF.CreateGoToActionEx"; $PDF; $NamedDest ) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "DynaPDF.Table.SetCellAction"; $Table; $rowNum; 0; $action; "Invert" ) ]

See also

Release notes

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 22nd February 2019, last changed 5th December 2019

DynaPDF.Table.SetBoxProperty - DynaPDF.Table.SetCellImage