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Returns the base 64 encoded value of the container.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Container 1.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "Container.GetBase64"; Container { ; Name or Index } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
Container The container field or value to inspect. MyTable::MyContainerField
Name or Index either the name of the Type or it's index.
Version 12.2 returns main item if this parameter is empty.
0 Optional


Returns data or error.


Returns the base 64 encoded value of the container.
You must tell the plug-in which of the types in the container field you want to use. You can use either it's name (JPEG, TIFF, PNGf etc) or it's index. The index is from 0 to the count of types -1 You can use Container.GetCount to return the count of types in the container.
You can pass index zero and get data form references file in case container is a file reference.
See also Container.DecodeFromBase64.


Get PNG image in Container as Base64:

MBS( "Container.GetBase64"; MyTable::MyContainerField; "PNGf" )

Get JPEG image in Container as Base64:

MBS( "Container.GetBase64"; MyTable::MyContainerField; "JPEG" )

From PDF in Base64 to a PNG in Base64:

# decode some PDF in base64 text
Set Variable [$PDFData; Value:MBS( "Container.DecodeFromBase64"; "PDF"; PDF_ToPNG::base64_PDF; "test.pdf" )]
# render first page to a picture in PNG format
Set Variable [$PNGData; Value:MBS( "PDFKit.GetPDFPageImage"; $PDFData; 0; "PNG"; "test.png"; 150; 1; 0)]
# encode PNG as Base64
Set Variable [$EncodedPNG; Value:MBS( "Container.GetBase64"; $PNGData; "PNGf" )]
# store text in a field
Set Field [PDF_ToPNG::Convert_text; $EncodedPNG]

Get Container as Base64:

MBS( "Container.GetBase64"; MyTable::MyContainerField )

See also

Release notes

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 16th April 2022

Container.ExtractStream - Container.GetCount