Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
Query current results as JSON.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
Bonjour | 8.4 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ✅ Yes, on macOS and Windows | ❌ No |
Returns JSON or error.
Query current results as JSON.First level in JSON is an array with services found.
For each service, we list interfaceIndex, type, domain, serviceName, IP and port.
IP and port are brought down from found host and IP.
Hosts array for each service describes the hosts for that service. That can be one or more hosts. Each host may have several IPs to connect to.
Query results:
Set Variable [$json; MBS( "Bonjour.JSON" )]
Example result:
"interfaceIndex": 4,
"type": "_fmpro-rcfmp12._tcp.",
"domain": "local.",
"serviceName": "WIN-Test",
"IP": "2003:e1:6bc2:c272:7029:44d3:99ae:ab87",
"port": 5003,
"hosts": [{
"interfaceIndex": 4,
"port": 5003,
"fullName": "WIN-Test._fmpro-rcfmp12._tcp.local.",
"hostTarget": "WIN-Test.local.",
"IPs": [{
"port": 5003,
"interfaceIndex": 4,
"ip": "2003:e1:6bc2:c272:7029:44d3:99ae:ab87",
"hostName": "WIN-Test.local.",
"protocol": "IPv6"
}, {
"port": 5003,
"interfaceIndex": 4,
"ip": "fe80::7029:44d3:99ae:ab87",
"hostName": "WIN-Test.local.",
"protocol": "IPv6"
}, {
"port": 5003,
"interfaceIndex": 4,
"ip": "",
"hostName": "WIN-Test.local.",
"protocol": "IPv4"
See also
Example Databases
Blog Entries
This function checks for a license.
Created 28th July 2018, last changed 28th July 2018