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Waits for file to be loaded.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
AVAsset 8.0 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes, on macOS ✅ Yes
MBS( "AVAsset.WaitForLoaded"; Asset )   More


Parameter Description Example
Asset The reference number of the asset. Please use AVAsset.OpenContainer, AVAsset.OpenFile or AVAsset.OpenURL function to get asset reference. $asset


Returns status or error.


Waits for file to be loaded.
Returns status like Loading, Loaded, Cancelled, Failed or Unknown.
If status starts with "Failed: ", it is followed by a reason.

While AVAsset.Loaded returns directly and may return "Loading", this function can be called after AVAsset.OpenFile, AVAsset.OpenURL or AVAsset.OpenContainer to have the script wait for assets to load.


Load asset:

Set Variable [ $path ; Value: "/Users/cs/Movies/" ]
Set Variable [ $asset ; Value: MBS("AVAsset.OpenFile"; $path) ]
# now wait a few milliseconds to load
Set Variable [ $r1 ; Value: MBS( "AVAsset.WaitForLoaded"; $asset ) ]
# check status
Set Variable [ $r2 ; Value: MBS( "AVAsset.Loaded"; $asset ) ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "Loaded" ; $r1 & ¶ & $r2 ]
Set Variable [ $r3 ; Value: MBS( "AVAsset.Release"; $asset ) ]

See also

Release notes

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 9th January 2018, last changed 9th January 2018

AVAsset.URL - AVExport.AllExportPresets